NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

Brian Keenan (1993)An Evil Cradling, Vintage.

Gregory Bateson was one of the influences on John Grinder and
Richard Bandler, the founders of NLP. Much of his thinking about
change and learning has been incorporated and developed in
the concepts of NLP. Some of his discoveries about learning
came from the time he spent studying porpoises, which involved
watching porpoises in performances for the general public.
In particular, audiences were shown how a porpoise learned
to do a trick. As the porpoise circled in the pool the trainer would
wait and watch for the porpoise to do something different:
flipping its tail or spinning around. As soon as it did this different
behavior—it didn’t really matter what it was as long as it was



1 For someone you haven't met before, how could you prepare to
present your ideas so that you take account of each of the
visual/auditory/feelings systems?
2 Rewrite these sentences using enriched language:
aIt is important to me that I progress within this organization.
bI want to know what we aim to achieve with this meeting.
3 Select someone you work with. Listen to the language they use.
Identify any preferences for visual/auditory/feelings systems.
4 How can you ensure that you address each of the senses when
giving a presentation?
b. Auditory.
c. Feelings.
5 Pick one of your favorite books. Read through the first page and note
examples of each of the sensory systems that you detect being used.
6Watch the adverts on television. For each one, note which senses
it appeals to predominantly.
7 Log on to the internet and select a website. Which senses does the
home page appeal to? How attracted are you to continue to
explore this site?

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