you can practice these patterns in ways that enhance what
you do.
In these two examples it is the use of the “and” that has the
influence by linking two components of the sentence together.
What happens is that you get the listener into a “yes” way of
thinking and without a break you present another (nonfactual)
idea to their mind. It’s a bit like getting someone to open the
door to accept a parcel that they have ordered and while the
door is open starting a discussion about the weather!
Other forms that this linkage can take:
❏ Asyou sit here listening to what I am saying you can begin
to wonder how what I say applies directly to you.
❏ Whilewe talk this through in this way you can start to think
how we might take this forward.
And a stronger form of this kind of linkage:
❏ Sitting here listening will make youaware of just how much
there is to learn.
❏ Watching this presentation requires that you relax and
concentrate fully on what we are saying.
❏ The way that you are breathing causes youto begin to relax
My experience is that if the motivation behind your statements
is a genuine win/win and is perceived that way by your listener,
these kinds of statements will be accepted and will accelerate
your progress toward a mutual outcome. If they are not—if they
are, for example, being used to manipulate someone against
their wishes—then although the listener may not know what is
wrong they will sense it. They may get that “something not
quite right,” instinctive reaction to you or what you are saying.
You might be wondering what I am going to say next.
I am mind-reading when I say that. However, if you are
Get the listener into a “yes”
way of thinking
Your listener may get that
“something not quite right”