NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
in some areas of your life or work, in order to use it in other
contexts. Let's suppose you are influential when dealing with
colleagues but don't have the same level of influence with
clients. You could model yourself in order to discover the
difference between the two, so that you can use your influence
in whatever context you choose.

One company that employed a telephone marketing team could
not understand why there was such inconsistency in the results
it was getting with some of its telemarketeers. With some clients
they were very successful and were able consistently to convert
a call into an appointment, but with others they struggled to get
past the first few minutes of the conversation. What the
company discovered when it modeled what was happening with
these calls was that the telemarketeers were building mental
images based on what they had heard from others in the
company about the different groups of people they had to call.
One of the biggest differences between the successful calls
and the unsuccessful ones was connected with the mental
image the caller had in their mind as they made the call. For
those that were most successful the caller imagined the recipient
of the call in a light room, brightly lit. The image was vivid and
in color and they imagined the other person as smiling. (This
was entirely in their mind as they never saw the people they
phoned.) For the ones that were unsuccessful the callers
typically imagined the recipient of the call as being in a dark
room, the image was defocused and gray in tone, and the
person had a serious expression on their face. All this before
they had even dialed the number!
By modeling the successful mental strategies they were able
to train the previously less successful marketeers in these
thinking techniques. The average conversion rate of call to
appointment increased significantly.

We achieve the results we do through the programs we run in
our minds and in our actions. Just as computer programs are a
sequence of codes, so personal programs are a sequence of



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