NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

There are many different ways of using anchors. One easy way
is to use a technique called collapsing anchors. This is a way of
reconciling two states, for example an unresourceful state and a
resourceful one. You could do this when you want to lessen an
extreme negative state and achieve one that is a blend of the
two, so that you don’t lose the unresourceful state but
experience it in a way that is manageable. The consequence of
collapsing anchors is that you will achieve a third different state
to the original two that is in someway a mix of the originals—a
cocktail of the two that has a different taste to either.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to use the knuckles on
one hand. With the extreme end of your righthand index finger,
touch specific knuckles on your left hand. If it is easier for you,
reverse the way you use your hands in this exercise.

1 Decide on an unresourceful state that you want to work with
in this exercise. It might be, for example, a state of anxiety,
stress, lack of confidence, or frustration.
2 Associate into this state so that you are re-experiencing it
and anchor it by touching your index finger to the first
knuckle on the other hand. Test the anchor until you know it
works. Only access this state briefly.
3 Choose a different state altogether, a break state. This might
be thinking about something funny or just something that
requires thought, like saying your phone number
4 Choose a resourceful state, one of confidence, calm, or
security, for example. Associate into a time when you had
this feeling. When you experience the intensity of this
feeling, anchor it by touching your second finger to the
second knuckle on your other hand.
5Test the anchors in the following sequence:
aBreak state.
b Fire the first anchor.
c Break state.
d Fire the second anchor.
If either of the anchors fails to work, repeat the sequence of
resetting them.




Switching states

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