NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
5 The number of intermediary states you need will depend
on the intensity of the first state and the gap between the
first and the destination state. Repeat this process until
you have anchored all the intermediary states and the final
destination state.
6Test the anchors to make sure that they all work, being sure
to break state between each one. If any of them are not yet
fully anchored, return to experiencing and anchoring them
until they are.
7 Now fire the first anchor and when you are fully in that first
state, fire the second anchor simultaneously and as you
experience that second state approaching its peak, remove
the first anchor and, continuing to hold the second one, fire
the third one. (You are always linking each state with the
next one in this way.) As the third one builds, remove the
second anchor and fire the next one. You should
experience yourself moving through each state in turn and
as you do so you are connecting them together in a chain.
Do this until you have reached the destination state.
When you have the destination state, fully remove the
previous anchor and fully experience this final resourceful
state. Break state. This is important so that you when you
repeat the whole process to check that it works, you want to
ensure that you end on the destination state and don’t loop
it back to the unresourceful state that you started with.
8 Repeat step 7 until you have the states chained together.
9 Now fire the first anchor. If you have chained the states
together successfully, you will go through the chain you
have created for yourself and automatically move through
the states, finishing at the destination state.

It is not that we don’t do this already—we do. However,
without thought and care we tend to create chains that either
are not very efficient (e.g., it takes longer than it needs to get
out of an unresourceful state), or we have created chains that
take us to places potentially even less resourceful than the
one we started with. How often have you begun a day feeling
a little gloomy and then got frustrated with yourself for doing
that, which led to your getting annoyed and then stressed and
so on? How much more desirable is it to find that if you do get


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