NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
this just by asking your unconscious mind to remind you
with a thought of anchoring when you are next in a
desirable resourceful state (no matter how fleeting).
3 When you are at the height of the desirable state, use your
anchor to “fix” it.
4 If it occurs more than once, use your anchor each time you
are at the height of the emotion to strengthen the effect of
the anchor.
5 Think of occasions when the state you have just anchored
might be useful to you.
6 The next time you are in a situation when you feel this state
that you have anchored might be useful to you, fire the

Anchors are a natural occurrence. You have many associations
already established, some individual, some connected with
other people. Most of these will have occurred by chance
without any forethought. Some association anchors will be
helpful, supportive, and rewarding for you; some will not. The
process of anchoring enables you to choose the associations
you want both for yourself and for others. Mastering the skill of
anchoring means learning to lead yourself by managing your
state of mind. It also means taking responsibility for the effect
you have on other people.
This chapter has set out a few of the ways in which you can
apply the anchoring techniques, but you will find that
anchoring is part of everything you do. Begin to explore how
you can use these anchors creatively as a way of enriching your
day-to-day living and making your involvement with others a
constantly rewarding experience.


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