company. Natural leaders model naturally! And they can detect
qualities such as:
❏ David has the ability to ask multi-level questions and he
indicates this by making a layering movement with his
hands while he is speaking.
❏ Lin has the ability to make instant rapport the minute she is
face to face with anyone.
❏ Kevin has the ability to observe and comment on his own
behavior (and joke about it) while he is in conversation with
❏ Colin can scan a screen of code and intuitively know where
the bugs are.
❏ Nick can take a new idea and put himself in the shoes of the
people who need to learn this idea in the business and
work out the practical implications of that in how it is to be
presented to them.
When I was working with people in the stores of one company I
noticed that whenever I asked a question one of the packers,
Mike, looked consistently left and to his side. It was a very marked
preference in his eye-accessing cues. I had the opportunity to talk
about the group’s social interests and this eye-accessing cue
became even more pronounced. I was able to comment on this (I
had explained eye-accessing cues as part of a company-wide
training program) and I discovered that Mike had a great interest
in music. Not only that but, rather bashfully, he said that he could
hear a piece of music and remember it exactly. (His eye-accessing
cue was auditory remembered.) I commented on what a
remarkable skill that was and he looked astonished and
explained that he had always thought it was weird so had kept
quiet about it!
I wonder just how many skills are buried in this way. When we
are in alignment with ourselves we release the best of our
When Goran Ivanisevic entered the Wimbledon tennis
championships in 2001 he was not considered to have any
chance of doing well, let alone winning. However, his belief in
Natural leaders model naturally
We can release the best of our