NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

Imagine yourself in the following situation.

You have been working on a new project for your company for the
last six months. It is now nearing completion and all the results
have been achieved to plan. You believe that the results of this
project are an important contribution to the future of the company.
You are pleased with the contribution you personally have made
and expect that the launch of this project will boost your
promotion prospects. Two weeks before the launch the directors
announce a major company reorganization. They announce that
all projects started within the last year are to be put on hold
awaiting any further decision by the board. You and the rest of the
project team feel very disappointed and disheartened.

Which of the following would you be more likely to do?

❏ Accept the situation and feel upset.
❏ Get inwardly annoyed.
❏ Complain to others around you about the way you have
been treated.
❏ Hope that someone else takes action to change the
❏ Ask for a meeting with your manager to discuss the decision.
❏ Accelerate the completion of the project so that you can
announce its readiness for launch.
❏ Leave the company.

What else might you do? Are you reactive or proactive in the
way you respond to events in your life? Puppet master or
puppet? What is it that distinguishes those who influence their
own destiny from those who leave their fate in the hands of
others or to chance?

Steve’s conversations centered around what he and others did.
For example, he would measure the strength of people’s
friendships towards him in terms of what they would do for him.
Equally, he expected them to judge the level of his friendship by
the type of actions he undertook on their behalf. He was self-


Reactive or proactive?

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