NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
Attention to lower levels

employed and considered himself lucky each time a new large
contract “turned up.” He was never entirely sure what the
source of the next contract would be. He was influenced a great
deal by the climate. When the weather was sunny and warm he
generally felt more optimistic, whereas when it was cold and
cloudy he often felt depressed.

Steve is affected by day-to-day behavior and the
environment. He is reactive.

Linda is quietly self-assured. She is very skilled at listening to
other people and reflects before she answers or acts on what
they say. Her posture is very upright, balanced, and
symmetrical. She knows what is important to her and has strong
beliefs but does not impose these on anyone. In fact, she has a
very nondirective style of being with other people. She is flexible
in her behavior so if what she is doing is not working she tries
something else until she finds a way that is effective. If things go
wrong she takes stock of the situation and decides what she
really wants to do. She gives the impression of being at peace
with herself most of the time and she is an attractive person to
be with. People enjoy listening to her speak.

Linda’s strength comes from within herself. She is proactive.
If your attention is directed mainly to the lower levels of
change in Dilts' framework you will be thinking about how you
and others behave, in the environment. You will be affected by
changes in other people's behavior and changes in the
environment. If the weather is sunny it may cheer you up, if it
is dull and wet you feel down. This tends to lead to a more
reactiveway of dealing with life. A company that concentrates on
the lower behavioral and environmental levels will be more
likely to respond to “the competition,” rather than moving
toward its own vision of the future.

Carla had a very clear sense of identity and mission. She knew
what she wanted to achieve and what was important to her. She
believed that people could be trusted and that if anyone
behaved aggressively towards her it was not meant toward her
personally, but was more a statement of what they were feeling


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