NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

inside. She believed that she could learn from whatever
happened. She even took times of recession as an opportunity to
learn how to approach work and customers differently.

Proactivebehaviour requires you to focus on the higher levels of
spirituality, mission and identity, beliefs and values. The more
able you are to operate independently of other people's behavior
and changes in the environment, the more proactive you become.

“You carry your own weather around with you.”
Stephen Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

For example, if you believe that people can be trusted, even if
someone lets you down it is likely that you will continue to
maintain that belief and see the incident as a one-off aberration.
Here are some examples of how different people think
about themselves.

A Overall I think I've been very lucky, both in my career and in
my personal life. I've always been employed and now self-
employed; amazingly work always seems to turn up. My
personal life has been less smooth and though I have many
regrets, especially with regard to my children, I have
experienced much happiness. I enjoy being and feeling fit,
and I enjoy my work, demonstrating skills that I have and
spending time with my kids.
BI am a girl who knows what she wants and how and when I
am going to get it. I have decided to become a
physiotherapist. I have researched into this and even had
some experience in it. This work is right for me and I'm right
for it. I'm a happy person who loves helping people. I get
along with anyone and everyone, a feature of myself of
which I am proud.
CI find it very hard to write about myself, maybe because I am
quite a shy and inward person. I don't really like to let
people know how I am feeling. I also know that I am a very
negative person. I lack confidence in myself so therefore I
never believe in what I do. I would like to be more positive
in my attitude toward life and I wish I had the ability not to
worry and to be more relaxed.

Attention to higher levels

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