NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1





This belief can also be expressed as “the intention behind a
communication is not its meaning.” The principle operates at
many different levels. For example:

❏ Have you ever experienced a moment of frustration when
you have carefully explained an idea to someone and they
have misunderstood you? Or have you ever given feedback
to someone with the intention of helping them to learn and
develop, only to find that they felt angry about what you
❏ At parents' evenings at school, sometimes I shuddered when
a teacher said things like, “This particular class are a difficult
group to teach, they aren't good listeners. They've got to
learn to pay attention.” This kind of comment indicates that
the teacher puts the responsibility almost entirely on the
pupils and hardly at all on themselves. And if I blame the
teacher then I am doing exactly the same thing!
❏ Have you ever appraised someone working for you in a way
that devolved all responsibility for their performance from the
way you were managing them? How do you think they felt?
Have you ever been in the same position? How did you feel?
❏ If you have a team working for you and they are achieving
results beyond the norm, that is a measure of your
management ability.
❏ If you have a colleague who won't cooperate with you, that
is a reflection of your influencing skill.
❏ If you have a child who won't “behave,” that is a statement
about your ability as a parent.

The other people in these situations have a part too! But you
are a part of the system. Something you do is allowing and
very likely even encouraging the response you receive.
The power in this way of thinking is that you take
responsibility for the responses you receive. If you don't get
the response you want at first, you find new ways of
communicating until you do. For example, if someone doesn't
understand you, you find a way of explaining your thoughts in
ways they do understand.
To believe that “the meaning of your communication is its
effect” means that:


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