NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
True beliefs

likely to facilitate their staff's development through
questioning and coaching rather than by telling them what
to do.
❏ People make the best choice available to them at the
time that they make it. This does not mean that you have
to accept the choice they made. However, leaders who do
hold this belief will be more understanding in the way they
deal with a jobholder who has made a mistake.
❏ There is no failure, only feedback. Imagine a company in
which all the employees held this belief. It would be an
organization with a climate of total honesty, openness, and
learning. This is the key to performance improvement.
❏ The meaning of the communication is its effect. For
communication you could substitute leadership—the
meaning of the way you lead your staff is the results they
achieve. If your team is performing well, that is a statement
about your leadership. Equally, if your team is performing
badly, this is also a measure of your ability to lead. The
second part of this belief runs: “If what you are doing isn't
working, do something different.” This is a useful point to
bear in mind and act on if your appraisal system isn't
achieving what you want it to achieve.

It is valuable to have all the beliefs of excellence. The ones
above are those that seem to have the most relevance in a
world of change. A company needs to be clear about the
beliefs on which it is founded. But there is no value in paying
lipservice to this: The beliefs you want as the foundation for
your business must be those that are truly held by everyone
in the business. One of the most valuable things a top team
can do is to explore the actual beliefs held by the
management team and decide if these are the ones that
support their future vision. If they don’t, start challenging them
and the people who hold them.
As someone in one of the big financial consultancies said
when asked what would happen to the people who did not
fully share its newly published values and beliefs, “You are
either living them, learning them or leaving.”


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