NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

“Imagination and faith are the same thing, giving substance to
our hopes and reality to the unseen.”
John V Taylor


o you have a vision for yourself that is so compelling
it influences the way you live moment by moment,
day by day? If so, you are one of the small percentage
of people who do. Statistics suggest that only 6 percent of the
population thinks strategically, and this includes the ability to
set and hold compelling goals. Yet thinking in this way is
available to all of us. Some people inherit this influential way
of thinking from their parents or parent figures. Some people
learn through adversity what makes the difference and
subsequently learn how to think like this for themselves.
Surprisingly, most company training schemes do not teach
the real difference that makes the difference with respect to
goals, even though they might spend millions of pounds on
objective-setting programs and appraisal schemes. Why is
this? As we frequently find when we use NLP to model what
makes a difference, the key pieces are so often either taken for
granted or so subtle that they are omitted from the training.


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