NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

The difference in the enthusiasm and sheer energy of these two
teams was dramatic. One had thought about what they had to
cut back and lose and the other about what they really wanted.
It is almost inevitable that if you think about what you don't
want you become disheartened. You will develop the feelings
and responses that are triggered by being in an environment of
circumstances and people and events that you don't like. It is
no surprise that if you think about what you really want, if you
imagine what it is like to have what you really want, then you
will be committed, you will be motivated, and you will be
influential because your enthusiasm will be infectious. This is
one of the reasons visionary leaders are compelling.

I recently worked with a group of trainers and was with them as they
met the groups they were going to train. One of the trainers, who
had been nervous but excited and looking forward to the challenge,
entered the room with their prospective delegates. This trainer
believed that the delegates could really gain from the training
program and was positive about everyone’s potential to change.
The group greeted this trainer with warmth and acceptance.
Yet another trainer entered the room when I was with another
of the groups. This second trainer had doubts about the abilities
of the members of the group, particularly their ability to change.
He also had a tendency to talk in problem-centered language:
“I won’t let the group get out of control,” “I’m not worried about
how the group will react.” When this trainer entered the room
the atmosphere seemed to change from fun to confrontation.
The group asked challenging questions and wanted proof of
how the program would help them personally.

A team of researchers set out to quantify the relationship
between the speaking styles of US Presidents and the
inspiration felt by citizens. They measured charisma and
greatness, charisma being the emotional bond between
leaders and followers, and greatness measuring perceptions of
actual achievements. Then they studied the inaugural
addresses and key speeches of US Presidents. Examples were
taken from speeches by John F Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.
John F Kennedy, a clearly charismatic President, used
phrases like “Together let us explore the stars, conquer the

Visionary leaders

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