NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1



Act as if it is true

What will it be like to have what you really want? If you can
imagine it then it is virtually yours. The more you step into this
imagined future, the more you are programming yourself to
get there. Think again about one of the outcomes you really
want for yourself. Imagine yourself having achieved what you
really want.

❏ What does it look like?What do you see? What is around
you? Is there anyone else in the picture? Look around, take
in the details.
❏ What does it sound like?What do you hear? What are you
saying to yourself? What are others saying? What sounds
are there?
❏ What does it feel like?Physically what does it feel like?
What can you touch and what sort of feeling is that? What
textures do you experience?
❏ What does it taste like?What sort of taste do you get in
your mouth? What is that like?
❏ What does it smell like?What is the aroma of achieving
what you really want?
❏ What does it feel like? Emotionally? What are the
emotions that you feel in achieving what you really want?
What is the quality of those emotions and where do you
feel them?

Your unconscious mind does not differentiate between what is
imagined and what is real. The more vividly you imagine
yourself achieving what you want, the more your unconscious
mind believes it already has it and will program you to act as
if you do. And of course, the more you act as if you have it, the
more likely you are to get it!
Once you have established your outcome in all your senses
in this way, it begins to take on a momentum of its own. This
ability to step into your outcome is characteristic of NLP. The
difference comes from being able to imagine yourself
(associate) into the future that you want. Although planning to
get there is important, the steps in the plan will almost begin
to present themselves to you automatically because you will
begin to recognize opportunities when they occur.


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