NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1



then that bigger system will support you. If the outcome is a
loss for the bigger system, then those significant others will
either consciously or inadvertently block its achievement.
Business has been locked into a win/lose mentality for some
time now. One of the most cut-throat markets has been the travel
industry. Each company has fought with the others to the point
where they have all lost business. There has been an annual
battle for the release of the next year’s holiday brochures, with
each travel organization attempting to release its brochure
ahead of the rest. This competition has come to the point where
the brochures are released so far ahead of the holiday periods
to which they refer that they are almost irrelevant.
The more forward-looking organizations are finding ways to
help their competitors succeed by promoting them, providing
links to them through their website, and finding ways to
collaborate so that together they promote the market to which
they both belong.

What will it take to achieve what you want?

❏ Risk?
❏ Feelings of discomfort?
❏ Giving up something you have now?
❏ Pain and sadness?

Is having the outcome worth what it takes? You may decide it
is not, in which case you can give it up or decide to go for a part
or a variation of the outcome. If you decide the outcome is
worth what it takes, you are making a decision to commit and
to proceed to the next step.

When I was thinking about leaving my full-time job at
International Computers Ltd, I was apprehensive, even scared, of
leaving the team of people behind that I had worked with for the
previous five years. I was afraid also of losing what I believed to
be the security of a large corporate organization. However, I did
also want to run my own business, so to do this I had to decide if
I was prepared to let go of those things I felt I must have. It wasn’t
an easy decision or an easy time. I remember having many
panicky moments when I wondered if I was doing the right thing.


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