NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

Shortcut to achieving what you really want

I returned from a very enjoyable cycling holiday to find a
“customer care” questionnaire waiting for me. In it I was asked
to say not “What was my opinion of the overnight
accommodation?” but “What problems did I experience with the
accommodation?” What did I do? I immediately began to search
in my memory for problems that might have existed. Through
their questionnaire the company was directing me to remember
and search for the unsatisfactory elements of my holiday.
One travel company I know has a whole floor of staff to deal
with customer complaints. I saw no equivalent floor to deal with
customer compliments!

1 Think of something you really want—not something you
don’t want or want less of or feel you should have.
2 Is it within your control? (To be the next Prime Minister is
not, to have your partner behave differently is not. To be an
example of professionalism is, to work with the people you
enjoy is, to take part competitively is.) Find the part of the
outcome that is within your control.
3 Imagine yourself having achieved what you really want. Let
your unconscious do this for you—allow yourself to dream.
Using your unconscious is a key part of the process. Be
aware of what you are seeing, hearing, feeling physically,
smelling, tasting, and feeling emotionally. Be sure to do
this “from your own shoes.”
4 In which contexts are you imagining yourself with this
outcome? In which ones do you want to have this?
5 Imagine how this can be or is a real benefit to the significant
people in your life. It is vital that it is win/win. If there is
anything you need to do in your thinking to make it win/win,
do that.
6 What sort of cost will have to pay to achieve this? Are you
willing to pay this price? If not, let go of the outcome and
put your energies into something else.
7 What does maintaining your present state do for you
(assuming you could have achieved this outcome before)?
How might you build in the benefits of the present state
into the achievement of the desired state?
8 How does achieving this outcome contribute to a higher
goal for you or an overall purpose that you have in your life?


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