NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
Sue Knight, Personal Selling Skills, Sue Knight Books & Talks.
Sue Knight (1999)NLP Solutions: How to Model What Works in
Business to Make it Work for You, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.



1Are the following towards or away from?
aI really want a job that involves working with other people.
b The company I work for currently is very bureaucratic. I want
somewhere else to work.
cI have a clear vision of myself working abroad.
2You ask another department to agree a level of service with you.
When you have explained what you need, they say they will try
to meet your requirements. How confident would you be that they
would deliver?
3 What was the basis of your decision to take your existing job?
Were you moving towards your ideal or away from something
you didn't like? And your previous job?
4 Imagine yourself doing the type of work you would really like to
do. What can you see/hear/feel?
5 Think of examples of action plans you have set yourself in the past.
What is characteristic of the action plans that you have carried out
compared with the ones you haven't?
6How do you decide how to spend your holidays? How well does
the reality match up to your expectations?
7 How often do you finish up with the things you don't want
compared with the things you do?
8 Think about what you would really like to achieve by the end of
this week. Pay attention to what is in your mind. Is it what you do
want or are you imagining the problems of the things you don't
9 If you have lost sight of what it is that you want for yourself, start
small and identify what you want for yourself by the end of today,
for example, or by the end of the next meeting you have.

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