NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

Once upon a time there was a couple who had achieved many
of their ambitions in life, yet there was one main goal
outstanding: They wanted to swim to Japan.
They reflected on this goal for a long time and one day they
set off. They were not used to swimming so they found it difficult.
They were aware of how heavy their limbs felt. They ached with
the constant effort, especially when the strong current was
against them. Gradually, however, their bodies got used to
swimming and they developed a style that became effortless and
They began to notice the water around them, for example
how it changed color as the days went by. In the early morning
it would be clear and blue and in certain lights it sparkled
emerald green. As the sun set it developed the rich warm colors
of the evening sky. And they became aware of the creatures in
the water, the small silver fish that swam with them in the day,
the dark shadows that skimmed by them in the deep. They
became aware of how the sound of the waves changed as the
water lapped their ears and they felt the subtle changes of the
weather as breezes turned into winds and died down again.
They learned how to find food in the water, how to nourish
themselves, and how to use their bodies effortlessly. They
developed a refined sense of smell so that they could detect
changes in the environment by the scent carried to them on the
They swam for days and weeks with no sight of land. One day
they saw the dark profile of land on the horizon. They swam on
and they recognized the shoreline of Japan. As they approached
they became quiet and eventually they looked at each other and
they knew. At that moment they turned back to the sea and
swam on.

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