NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

Develop a climate of trust:

Negotiate your way through
life: Perceptual positions


e can lead others only when we lead ourselves.
Lead with NLP is the last part of this book for
that very reason. It is tempting to want to have a
go with these skills on other people, but that is not the way
they work—they work only because you are applying them
to yourself. Make it a goal to be such an attractive example
of what you have done with NLP for yourself that others want
some of the same. That is the measure of success.
One of the most important skills discovered in people
who are models of excellence is their ability to influence
and bring about change in ways that are far-reaching and
sustainable over time. There is one common element in all
their approaches: their ability to build immediate rapport
with the people with whom they are working. I believe this
is one of the most important skills in business. Without
rapport few management systems will work. If you think you
can get by with technical skills alone you are wrong. You
need cooperation, commitment, and respect to stand a
chance of succeeding in anything you do. In Chapter 16,
Develop a Climate of Trust: Rapport, I show you how to
build and maintain rapport with the people with whom you
come into contact through whatever medium you choose.
All elements of NLP are complementary. Each adds
another piece to the jigsaw of excellence. A more recent
development in NLP thinking is experiencing situations
from different perspectives in order to find a win/win,
explained in Chapter 17, Negotiate Your Way Through Life:
Perceptual Positions. This approach complements outcome

Part III

Lead with NLP

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