NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

thinking and is a way of taking a balanced approach to
situations and outcomes. Those who are most able to negotiate
conflicts in work and life have the ability to appreciate
situations from different perspectives. Some NLP techniques
involve paying attention to the details of thinking and
behavior; perceptual positions thinking provides a powerful
shortcut to achieving the same results.
Chapter 18, Resolving Conflict: Parts Integration, covers a
topic that has long been a part of the preliminary training I offer
in NLP. It would be good to think that conflict will not exist if
you put all the other principles into practice, but that would be
unrealistic. Conflict also plays an important role in our lives:
Through it we can learn, heal, and grow in ways that don’t occur
in other contexts. This chapter shows how to learn to resolve
conflicts in your life by resolving the conflict within to resolve
the conflict without.
Giving and receiving feedback is becoming so important
that it warrants a chapter to itself, Chapter 19. NLP is about how
we elicit feedback from our minds, our language, our behavior,
and the ways we use these together to achieve outstanding
performance. And it is about constantly testing to see how our
discoveries work and continue to work. Nothing is static: We
depend on feedback to maintain excellence. This is an
important chapter: I encourage you to read and reread it, but
above all to do it.
Closely linked to our ability to give and receive feedback is
our ability to coach ourselves and others. Chapter 20, High
Performance Coaching, is in a nutshell what all of this book is
about. We need to know how to coach ourselves and others if
we want to grow our potential as individuals, as teams, and as
organizations. And we need to know these skills if we want to
grow our relationships, our marriages, our families, and our
communities. Coaching is about learning and learning is about
life. I have found NLP-based coaching to be life giving. I wish
the same for you.


Resolving conflict: Parts

Giving and receiving feedback

High performance coaching
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