NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
of this same bookseller and he says to me “You know that book
you bought last week, well I’ve got 8 more copies—do you want
to buy them—ha ha ha.” So I did and I think it was his biggest
pattern interrupt all day.
When I got home I thought what am I doing with nine (9)
copies of the same book and then it came to me. "I’ll give them
to my friends the next time they ask—hey what’s all this NLP stuff
about.” So I guess you can cook somethin’ with NLP ... after all.

A very different style of response is appropriate here. The
sender is a storyteller and uses a lot of dialog, some in the
form of internal questioning dialog, and auditory style
language as well as metaphor throughout. To respect that style
would be to write in a similar way. (And I had a lot of fun
thinking about my answer!) If you are curious about my answer,
take a look at “Ask Sue Knight” on
The same principles apply on a bigger scale. For example,
it is crucial to ensure that new systems match the style and
culture of a company. The concept of match, pace, lead works
at every level, not only between individuals but when
introducing any new element to a system. It is important that
any system you introduce fits with what you already have.
For example, I've sometimes seen small, informal
organizations attempt to “bolt on” more formal appraisal
systems that belong to a much larger, more bureaucratic
organization. One of the simplest and most effective appraisal
systems asked only four questions: What are your goals? How
well did you do? What skills would help you develop further?
What actions shall we commit to? This was successful because
the style matched the informality and openness of the
company in which it was introduced.
Similarly, it is important to ensure that rapport exists
between the managers and the jobholders. To continue with
appraisal, for a jobholder to accept feedback from his or her
manager and vice versa there needs to be rapport. With
rapport the appraisal will find its own style and form. Appraisal
is about learning and development; it is a vehicle that
provides the stimulus for continuous improvement.


Systems that fit

“Match–pace–lead” works at
every level
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