NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

Finding the magic formula

“If you wish to be fully alive you must develop a sense of
perspective. Life is infinitely greater than this trifle your heart is
attached to and which you have given the power to so upset
Anthony de Mello


ave you ever wondered how it is that some people
seem to be able to navigate their way through life
achieving most of what they want and somehow
supporting the people with whom they come into contact to
do the same? Maybe you are one of those people? I believe
we can all do this to some extent, but there are some people
who seem to be able to do it consistently. They seem to have
some magic formula that enables them to transform just about
every situation into one that has benefits for all involved. If
you are one of these people then it is unlikely that you know
exactly how you do this. If you are not, my guess is that you
would like to know exactly how to do this. The good news is
that this is a skill that can be learned and refined whatever
your ability right now.
We can learn how to:


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