NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1


d The company you have applied to for a job turns you down.
e A colleague in another department fails to respond to your
requests for the information you need.

  1. From which position (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) do you think each of these
    people is operating:
    a Peter was explaining to his team what he wanted from them.
    When the team members didn't understand he became
    frustrated and started to explain again in more detail. He felt
    that although he had put forward ideas that would
    undoubtedly benefit them in the long term, they were being
    unreasonable by not appreciating what he meant. He found
    the whole process depressing and decided to continue with it
    anyway without consultation, as he knew they would
    appreciate it in the end.
    b Jenny was a member of a project team. The success of the
    project was crucial for the company and the team frequently
    worked late and intensely to achieve the deadlines. Often the
    discussion in these late night sessions would become quite
    heated. Jenny stayed calm and couldn't always understand why
    the other members of the team got so upset. Sometimes they
    would get frustrated with her and accuse her of not caring about
    the project. She knew that she did, however, and was often able
    to help reconcile different points of view within the team.
    c Diane was considered to be a caring manager. She always took
    account of the feelings of her team. She was cautious about
    change, however, particularly changes that would upset anyone.
    She was always available to counsel friends and colleagues, but
    found that she would take on their feelings and often ended the
    day feeling upset and depressed, even though she knew that she
    had helped her colleagues by listening to them.
    3 From what perspective do you operate primarily with:
    ❏ The person closest to you?
    ❏ Your colleagues?
    ❏ Your boss?
    ❏ The different members of your family?
    4 If you have a website, imagine yourself in the shoes of someone
    viewing it for the first time. How do you do? How does your
    experience compare with the Store from Hell described in this
    chapter? (Hopefully not at all!)

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