NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
❏ An ill-at-ease feeling with a goal you have set yourself or
one you have accepted from someone else.
❏ Times when the right hand just does not seem to know what
the left hand is doing.
❏ Phases of life when you feel that how you are living and
working is not being true to the way you really want to be.

The following were incidents when either I or one of my
colleagues was being given signals by our bodies to which we
needed to pay attention:

❏ A headache when faced with someone who seemed
determined to oppose everything that was suggested.
❏ A recurrent illness that seems to be triggered by stress.
❏ An earache when someone close was constantly
complaining about the relationship with them.
❏ A frozen shoulder at a time when others’ needs were taking
precedence over their own.
❏ Sickness when faced with unwelcome change.

And there are subtler bodily signals that indicate a lack of

❏ An asymmetrical posture.
❏ Indicating an issue on one hand in conflict with an issue on
the other hand (the hands used literally to illustrate this).
❏ A stammer when talking about a particular issue.
❏ A difficulty of vision when unable to focus on a future goal.

I am sure you can add many other examples of conflict within
yourself that you may be experiencing or have experienced in
the past. We live in a world where the pace of change and the
pressures to which we can succumb can lead easily to stress
and frustration.

Why is it important to find a way to resolve these forms of
stress? Most of us want some form of peace in our lives.


Why bother?

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