NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
We need to be an “empty

There is only learning

This totally defeats the objective of modeling, which, in the
first instance, is to elicit the structure of the subject’s
experience. It is not to change that structure or to advise or
coach the subject to change, just to unpack the structure of
how they do what they do. But to do this we have to be able
to accept (receive) unconditionally what the other person
does. And to determine if what we have elicited fits with the
subject’s experience of how they do what they do, we need to
be able to give feedback completely nonjudgmentally.
That might sound straightforward, but doing so requires
immense skill. It requires that we be totally objective in how
we do this—that we accept what others do without influencing
it with our own thoughts about what is right and wrong. We
need to be an “empty vessel” in which we can learn what is
new to us. We need to be able to recognize and, more than
that, accept difference.

Our beliefs influence our capacity for feedback. A belief that is
fundamental to our ability to give and receive feedback
constructively is there is no failure only feedback, or to put it in
other words,there is only learning. If you truly believe this, the
ability to learn from feedback will be second nature to you. It
will be fundamental to your existence as a learner in this
There are other beliefs that support our ability to give and
receive feedback. The first is that everyone’s perception is their
truth. We only have perception and each person’s perception
is unique to them. It may be similar to that of other people; it
may be significantly different. That does not make it right or
wrong, it just makes it true for them. By accepting a perception
from someone else we are accepting that part of ourselves as
they experience it. We are also contributing to the self-esteem
of the giver of the feedback in acknowledging their map of the
world. If we do not accept their feedback, we do not accept
that part of who they are and therefore we are not fully
accepting them as a person.


Beliefs that support feedback

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