NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
8 Step back so that you can see yourself and the other person
in this process. Are there any other resources that you need
to make the giving of the feedback any more constructive?
Imagine yourself in that scenario with those resources,
giving the feedback in the way you want to.
9 Imagine both you and the receiver of the feedback learning
from the feedback in such a way that you strengthen your
relationship in the future.
10 What have you learned from this whole process?

The opportunities for feedback surround us in every medium
in which we choose to work. We can learn and grow
continuously if we choose, provided that we have the beliefs
and skills to give and receive feedback. Feedback is how we
can know if what we are doing is working. What could be more
important than that?




1 Identify someone who is significant to you in:
❏ Your personal life.
❏ Your work.
❏ Your community.
Decide on a time and a way in which you can ask each for
feedback on the extent to which you support them in the way they
want you to.
2Identify someone with whom you have some difficulties. Think of a
way in which you can ask them for feedback on what you could
do that would make a positive difference between you.
3 Identify someone in your work or your life generally that you wish
would be different in some way. Ask yourself how you are not
being what you want them to be and how you can be an example
of what you do want them to be.
4Who is your most important customer? When did you last ask for
feedback from them? How might you ask for feedback now? How
might you set up a feedback system for your most important
customers if you don’t have one in place right now?
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