NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
What patterns do you have in your life that repeat? Do you
for example:

❏ Find that you frequently lose key people in your team?
❏ Invariably end up in conflict with your management and
finish up leaving the company?
❏ Often find yourself in disagreement and frustrated with
people in authority?
❏ Find it hard to stay in long-term relationships?
❏ Find that you prefer to distance yourself from anyone who
gets too close?
❏ Somehow seem to miss achieving your important goals just
as you are on the brink of success?
❏ Find that most work is difficult and hard?
❏ Feel that you are often hard done by?
❏ Experience life as being not fair?
❏ Find that the people in whom you pin your hopes always
seem to let you down?

On the other hand, are you one of those people who:

❏ Seem easily and almost effortlessly to achieve what you
want consistently?
❏ Are frequently surprised by just what a good hand life
seems to have dealt you?
❏ Find that you seem to attract good people to support and
work with you?
❏ Are surprised by the opportunities that come your way and
feel you have been very lucky?

The significance of all of these, good or bad, is that they are
learned patterns that we impose on the world no matter what
the quality of the external circumstances. NLP-based coaching
is about discovering those patterns and either coaching
ourselves or others to make choices that do lead us to achieve
what we really want and realize that true potential. In essence,
the purpose of NLP-based coaching is as follows:

❏ To discover our own and/or others’ patterns (strategies),
especially those of our outstanding talents, so that we can


Your patterns
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