NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
She sees beauty in everyone

How do you strengthen belief in others? Belief comes from
our ability to imagine either ourselves or other people
achieving outcomes. If we can see, hear, and emotionally
experience them realizing their dreams, that translates itself
into a belief and we communicate this to them whatever we do
and say. You might do this imagining when you are out of their
company or while you are interacting with them. If you are
doing it during an interaction, step back and imagine this
person realizing a potential beyond what they are
demonstrating right now.

One of my colleagues is exceptional in her ability to advise
people on issues relating to their image. She sees beauty in
everyone she meets.

When someone comes to me for a coaching session for the first
time and tells me their issue, one of my first reactions is to ask
myself, “Do I want to deal with this issue in my life right now?”
Coaching is a mutual process. I can only offer the structure of
what I have managed for myself or what I am managing for
myself in my life at this time.
In essence, when we interact with another person we are
one system. We are not “doing coaching” to others, we are
part of a coaching system. What we offer is what we receive
and what we receive and accept for ourselves is what we can
With the people we are coaching we bring out and engage
with those parts of ourselves that we need to resolve or that
we have we resolved and for which we can now be an example.
We teach what we need the most. I may not behave in exactly the
same way as the people I am coaching, but I will have a
parallel structure or capability in my experience. For example:


Who is coaching whom?

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