NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1
Ian McDermott & Wendy Jago (2001)The NLP Coach, Piatkus.
John Whitmore (2002)Coaching for Performance: GROWing People,
Performance, and Purpose, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Robert Dilts already knew this strategy when a young boy who
had been categorised as learning disabled was brought to him
to see if Robert could help him progress with his learning. The
boy was about 11 years old and was certainly not recognised as
being able to spell. Many adult good spellers will see the word
that they want to spell on something like an overhead projection
screen. It is unlikely that this boy had ever seen such a thing.
Robert asked him what his favourite film was and he replied
“Star Wars”. He then asked the boy who was his favourite
character in the film and he said it was the Wookie. For those of
you who have never seen Star Warsthen the Wookie is a large
bear like creature.
Robert asked the boy if he would be willing to play a game
and he agreed. He asked the boy if he could see the Wookie
now and the boy looked up momentarily and said he could.
Robert asked him if he could make the Wookie put his arms out
horizontally by his sides (he demonstrated this) and the boy
(looking up again) said yes. “Now,” said Robert, “I want you to
hang some letters underneath the Wookie’s arm—put a P, now
an H and then an E underneath his arm side by side.” He
paused between each one. “Have you done that?” The boy


4 Think of someone in your work, your personal life, and your
community with whom you don’t get on as well as you might.
What is it about each of them that you feel is the cause of the
difficulty? How is the aspect of each that you have identified true
about you?
5 Think of someone in your work, your personal life, and your
community with whom you do get on well. What is it about each
of them that you admire? How is that aspect of each true about

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