NLP At Work : The Difference That Makes the Difference in Business

(Steven Felgate) #1

nodded. “Can you make the Wookie open his mouth?” Again the
boy nodded. “I want you to see the Wookie open his mouth and
you will see some letters come out. The first letter is N. Can you
do that?” Once again a nod. “Now see the Wookie open his
mouth again and this time the letter that comes out is an O. And
again and this time the letter is M and finally as the Wookie
opens his mouth again an M comes out. And now an E. Have
you done that?”
“Yes,” said the boy, although Robert already knew the
“Finally I want you to hang some more letters under the
Wookie’s other arm. First an N now an O and now an N.” When
the boy indicated that he had done all of that Robert said to him,
“Now tell me what letters are hanging under the Wookie’s right
arm” (he indicated which arm he meant).
The boy said without hesitation “P, H, E.”
“And now the Wookie is opening his mouth and the letters are
coming out again – what are they?”
“N, O, M, E” the boy replied.
“And now tell me the letters hanging under the Wookie’s left
“N, O, N,” said the boy, who had just spelt (without
hesitation) PHENOMENON.

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