❏ Do you see him or her and, if so, what is the quality of the
image? For example is it bright or hazy, color or black and
white, moving or still?
❏ Are there any sounds associated with the thinking?
❏ What are the qualities of the sounds? Are they loud or faint,
harsh or soft?
❏ What is the location of the sound?
❏ And what about the feelings? What exactly do you
experience and where?
Now think of the person you dislike and consider the same
questions. What is similar in the quality of your thinking about
the two and what is different? The content is irrelevant. It is the
natureof your thinking that makes the difference.
This ability to distinguish between the various aspects of
your own and other people's experience is a way of
determining the difference that makes the difference
between those who do achieve what is important to them and
those who don’t.
Let's consider these distinctions in thinking patterns in more
Brightness Bright or dim? Dull or
Clarity Dim and hazy or sharp and in
Size Larger than life, life size, or
smaller than life?
Color/black and white Full color, shades of grey,
partial color, black and white?
Location In front of you, to one side,
behind you?
Distance Close to or distant?
Motion Still snapshots or movies?
Speed Fast/slow?
Framed/panoramic Enclosed in a frame or
Sequence In order/random/
simultaneous images?