The Observer
48 09.01.22 Comment & Analysis
The notion
of sovereign
liberties is
as old as
Crises such as public
health must be met by
the state and there’s
the Conservatives’ rub
Conservatives look
like cranks today, not because of
personal failings of this or that
politician, but because they cannot
deal with the crises of the modern
world. It’s not that they don’t have
answers – rightwing thinkers spit
them out faster than a machine
gun fi res bullets. It’s just that their
answers are irrelevant and, even in
Tory terms, self-defeating.
All viable responses to global
warming, vaccination, the job losses
artifi cial intelligence will bring and
failing public health enhance the
role of the state. It must provide
jobs and benefi ts to society’s
losers, protect their health and
drastically reconfi gure markets to
sustain the planet. Small states that
allow sovereign individuals and
companies to decide for themselves
now feel as antiquated as Margaret
Thatcher’s handbag and pearls.
At best, Conservatives will the
ends but not the means, as the
Johnson government does with the
climate crisis and protecting the
NHS from the Covid pandemic. At
worst, they retreat from modernity
into denial and conspiratorial
I know of no better example of
the inability of the right to face the
world in front of its eyes than the
collapse in public health, which
will become ever more visible as
2022 progresses.
Infl ation and tax rises are
pushing a great segment of the
population into poverty or a place
close to it. In ways that would
astonish our forebears, poverty
will produce obesity. Anyone in the
government who has cared to study
the crisis knows that the cheapest
meals are no longer vegetables
and rice, potatoes or bread, the
traditional diet of the poor. Now,
they are ultra-processed industrial
foods, whose manufacturers use
the cheapest and least nutritious
Obese? Need nanny’s help? Don’t rely
on the Tories, baffl ed by today’s world
ingredients and economies of
scale to keep the price as low as
possible and lashings of fat, sugar
or salt to make their gunk palatable.
Government knows it, but will do
next to nothing about it.
Tim Lang, the author of Feeding
Britain , refers me to studies
showing the UK had the worst diet
in Europe, with half of all food
bought processed to the nth degree.
The result is hundreds of thousands
suffering avoidable deaths or years
of painful and cramped lives as
they deal with the chronic illnesses
fatness brings: cancer, heart
disease, strokes, dementia and,
indeed, Covid.
The moral argument for
preventing needless pain is
overwhelming. Even the most
hard-hearted Tories, meanwhile,
should want to limit the escalating
costs of healthcare if only to hold
on to their money. The NHS spends
£18bn a year treating obesity-
related conditions , a fi gure that
can only rise. Dreadful diets mean
higher taxes.
They cannot bring themselves
to act, just as they cannot bring
themselves to tell the UK’s Novak
Djokovices that there is a price to
pay for refusing to be vaccinated
or level with the public on the
revolutionary changes to national
life a serious attempt to cope with
climate change will bring.
The best the Conservatives could
manage was to commission Henry
Dimbleby to produce a national
food strategy. Last summer, it
recommended the government
intervene to produce a long-term
shift in eating habits, that sugar and
salt be regarded as modern versions
of tobacco and taxed accordingly,
and that the government protect
food standards in trade agreements.
The report was criticised for
treating food poverty as a distinct
condition. Our own Jay Rayner , the
Robespierre of radical restaurant
critics , roared there is no such thing
as food poverty, there’s only poverty.
The best way to deal with today’s
fall in living standards is to listen
to Marcus Rashford and restore the
cuts to universal credit.
Dimbleby is indeed a classic
establishment fi gure: fathered by
David, schooled by Eton. But that
is what makes him interesting.
He offered Tories the chance to
modify rather than overthrow their
beliefs. Throughout its history, the
Conservative party has survived
by making concessions to shifting
times the better to ensure that it
stayed in control of change. “Tory
men, Whig measures”, as Disraeli
put it.
Now it cannot adapt or concede.
Ministers have sat on the Dimbleby
report for months. In cabinet, all
the familiar arguments are heard
against, in that tellingly upper-class
phrase, the “nanny state” interfering
with free markets and freedom of
choice. Civil servants are muttering
that better health labelling on food
products is as far as their political
masters will go.
Readers may scoff at
Conservatives babbling about
nannies. But there is a long tradition
of leftwingers worrying about the
middle classes telling the working
classes what to do.
“The ordinary human being
would sooner starve than live on
brown bread and raw carrots,” wrote
George Orwell in 1936. “When you
are underfed, harassed, bored and
miserable, you don’t want to eat
dull wholesome food. You want
something a little bit ‘tasty’.” In other
words, it’s not that worries are not
justifi ed. It’s just that they provide
no solutions.
History isn’t an exam. No teacher
rewards the students who get the
questions right. Maybe Conservative
politicians can prosper by riding
the reaction against the costs of
the push towards net zero. Donald
Trump has already shown them
the way.
But whatever electoral
success they continue to enjoy,
Conservatives can see the world
Margaret Thatcher and Ronald
Reagan created collapsing. They
fear a prim and constricted future
when the state represses enterprise,
tells you what to eat, how often
you can fl y, when to be vaccinated,
how you must heat your home and
what type of car you can drive, if
any. But then, when the current
wave of conservatism began in
the 1980s, leftwing critics saw
how it would lead to a corrupt and
divided future. If Thatcher wins,
said Neil Kinnock , in 1983, “I warn
you not to be ordinary, I warn you
not to be young, I warn you not to
fall ill, I warn you not to get old”.
His oratory and foresight did the
Labour party no good because
the left no longer seemed to have
credible solutions.
Now it is Conservatives who
cannot respond to change. The 21st
century baffl es them. They don’t
know what to do about it. This is
why, for all their apparent self-
confi dence, so many speeches by
Conservative politicians and articles
by Conservative thinkers sound
more than a little unhinged.
Big property returns
lie in the shires, but
so too do the risks
Wealth was surging in Britain
long before Covid and energy
bills got in on the “going
through the roof” act. Offi cial
data last week showed
household wealth rose to
£15.2tn pre-pandemic. Despite
a huge recession, it is likely
to have defi ed all economic
logic by growing further since,
thanks to double-digit house
price growth.
Booming house prices in
recent decades have made
London’s homeowners the
richest in Britain , but they also
ensure that it’s our wealth
inequality capital, with an army
of asset-less renters. Does this
mean property investors would
have done best by investing in
London or other global cities
such as Tokyo and New York
where house prices have
boomed? Nope, says surprising
new research examining 150
years of data from 15 countries.
In fact, overall long-run
returns are better outside big
“superstar” cities because of
higher rental yields elsewhere.
What’s driving this? Th e
authors argue these higher
returns make sense as
compensation for the increased
risk of buying property outside
major cities where housing
markets are more volatile and
less liquid. So, despite what
everyone says, the big city is
the place for those who want
to play it safe. Bold investors
should head to the provinces.
Th at’s obviously what loads
of people have done during
Covid lockdowns, which is why
we’ve seen far stronger house
price growth in rural areas. But
before you get too smug, don’t
forget the longer-term lesson
of this research: your new rural
idyll’s value could be in for a
bumpy ride.
Torsten Bell is chief
executive of the Resolution
Torsten Bell
The nonotion ti
ofoff sovesovereign
iiiiiiiiibberties is
can see the
world Thatcher
and Ronald
Reagan created