George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

  1. Bush and Gold, p. 84.

  2. John R. Knaggs, Two-Party Texas (Austin, 1985), p. 34.

  3. For a summary of the southern strategy, see Garry Wills, Nixon Agonistes (Boston, 1970), pp.
    262 ff.

  4. For a profile of Yarborough's voting record on this and other issues, see Chandler Davidson,
    Race and Class in Texas Politics ( Princeton, 1990), pp. 29 ff.

  5. For Yarborough's Senate achievements up to 1964, see Ronnie Dugger, "The Substance of the
    Senate Contest," in The Texas Observer, Sept. 18, 1964.

  6. Bush and Gold, Looking Forward, p. 77 ff.

  7. See Harry Hurt III, Texas Rich (New York), p. 191.

  8. On Bush's drive to become Harris County chairman, it is instructive to compare his Looking
    Forward with the clippings from the Houston Chronicle of those days preserved on microfiche in
    the Texas Historical Society in Houston. Bush says that he decided to run for the post in the sping
    of 1962, but the Houston press clearly situates the campaign in the spring of 1963. Bush also claims
    to have been county chiarman for two years, whereas the Houston papers show that he served fromFebruary 20 1963 to around December 5 1963, less than one year.

  9. Harry Hurt III, "George Bush, Plucky Lad," Texas Monthly, June, 1983, p. 196.

  10. Houston Chronicle, 21 February 1963.

  11. For Anthony Farris in the Pennzoil vs. Texaco case, see below and also Thomas Petzinger, Jr.,
    Oil and Honor (New York, 1987), passim.

  12. Boston Globe, June 12, 1988, cited in Michael R. Beschloss, The Crisis Years, p. 581.

  13. See Barbara Bush, C. Fred's Story (New York, 1984), p.2. This is an example of Mrs. Bush's
    singular habit of composing books in which she speaks through a canine persona, a feat she has
    repeated for the current family pet and public relations ploy, Millie. In her account of how C. Fred
    the dog gotall. We Bushes have always named our children after people we loved." So, writes C. Fred, "I am his name, George Bush is heard ruling out usual dog names with the comment: "Not at
    named after George Bush's best friend, C. Fred Chambers of Houston, Texas. I have met him many
    times and he doesn't really seem to appreciate the great honor that the Bushes bestowed upon him."

  14. See Ronnie Dugger, "The Four Republicans," in The Texas Observer, April 17, 1964.

  15. Quotations from Bush and Yarborough campaign material, except as otherwise indicated, are
    from Senator Yarborough's papers on deposit in the Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center at the
    University of Texas in Austin.

  16. See Ronnie Dugger, "The Substance of the Senate Contest," in The Texas Observer, September
    18, 1964.

  17. See "The Historic Texas Senate Race," in The Texas Observer, October 30, 1964.

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