George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

American experience itself in its better moments most impressively documents. Indeed, there is no

such thing as a race or breed among humAmong these animals, race or breed defines a fixed repertoire of behavior and reaction, a fixedans as these categories exist among dogs and horses. (^)
mental disposition which rules out most changes that education might bring. Among human beings,
it is just the opposite: any child of whatever color or ethnic backgrund, if placed as an infant in a
family of a different color and language, will invariably be accultured into the civilization of the
new family. This reflects the universality of the human personality beyond all distinctions of race,color, religion, culture, and nationality, and proves the thesis of the Declaration of Independence
that all men are created equal. The universality of apostolic Christianity as a world religion seeking
to reach out to all ethnic groups on the planet without exception is expressed in the idea that each
and every concrete human individual is very practically the living image of God, and no difference
of color or "race" can change this in the slightest.
Oligarchical thinking rejects all this. Oligarchs have historically been obsessed with justifying and
perpetuating the irrational and destructive domination of a feudal aristocracy, generally in the form
of a titled nobility ruling through usurious banking practices, secret intelligence agencies, and
militarism, at the expense of the progress of humthen there is no such thing as an herditary aristocracy, and the concept of oligarchy itself is in biganity. If the human personality is indeed universal,
trouble. But feudal aristocrats, breeding horses and dogs as their status symbols, are often imbecilic
enough to think that they have become authorities on human genetics.
There is also a reason why American elitists like the Harrimans and the Bushes become suchfanatics for eugenics and population reduction. This has to do with the position of such families as (^)
virtual parvenu upstarts within the Anglo-American hierarchy. In order to have standing in the
oligarchy it is necessary to have a patent of nobility going back at the very least a century or two,
with four to five hundred years being preferable. This puts families like Harriman or Bush into a
virtual status frenzy. When W. Averell Harriman was a child, President Theodore Rooseveltpublicly attacked his father, the railroad builder E.J. Harriman, as a robber baron and a public (^)
menace for the country. An associate of W. Averell Harriman in the State Department once
recounted his impression that the younger Harriman and indeed the rest of his family had never
gotten over the colossal humiliation of this incident. This interesting fact casts light on the tireless
efforts of Averell's mother to buy the family status and respectability by fundito investigate the criminal tendencies of those incorrigible lower orders and mental defectives. Theng eugenics research (^)
Harrimans were by implication a race apart. It also helped to explain what the associate described
Averell's life-long history as a compulsive liar whenever a situation emerged in which he could
improve his image at the expense of others by lying.
Although perhaps impressive by American standards, George Bush's pedigree displayed its own
grave weaknesses when examined within the frame of reference of the trans-Atlantic Anglo-
American oligarchy of the twentieth century, and this doubtless imparted extra fanaticism to
George's fanatical pursuit of racial purity in the halls of Congress.
In 1969 Bush told the House of Representatives that, unless the menace of human population
growth were "recognized and made manageable, starvation, pestilence and war will solve it for us."
Bush repeatedly compared population growth to a disease. [9 bis] In remarks to the House July 30,
1969, he likened the fight against the polio virus to the crusade to reduce the world's population.
Urging the federal government to step up populprecedent: When the Salk vaccine was discovered, large-scale programs were undertaken toation control efforts, he said: "We have a clear
distribute it. I see no reason why similar programs of education and family planning assistance
should not be instituted in the United States on a massive scope."
As Jessica Mathews, vice-president of one of Washington's most influential zero-growth outfits, the

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