George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

raving statements of Draper. In September 1969, Bush gave a glowing tribute to Draper that was
published in the cf2 CongreBush. I am very much aware of the significant leadership that General Draper has executedssional Record cf1.I wish to pay tribute to a great American,'' said
throughout the world in assisting governments in their efforts to solve the awesome problems of
rapid population growth. No other person in the past five years has shown more initiative in
creating the awareness of the world's leaders in recognizing the economic consequences of our
population explosion.''
In a 1973 publication, Bush praised the PCC itself for having played a ``major role in assisting
government policy makers and in mobilizing the United States' response to the world population
challenge....'' The PCC made no bones about its admiration for Bush; its newsletters from the late

1960s-early 1970spopulation-control campaign. In a 1979 re feature numerous articles highlighting Bush's role in the congressionalport assessing the history of Congressional action on (^)
population control, the PCC/Draper Fund placed Bush squarely with the most conspicuous activists,'' on population-control issues, and lauded him forproposing all of the major or
controversial recommendations'' in this arena which came before the U.S. Congress in the late
Draper's son, William III, has enthusiastically carried out his father's genocidal legacy--frequently
with the help of Bush. In 1980, Draper, an enthusiastic backer of the Carter administration's
notorious cf2 Global 2000 cf1 report, served as national chairman of the Bush presidential
campaign's finance committee; in early 1981, BusU.S. Export-Import Bank. At the time, a Draper aide, Sharon Camp, disclosed that Draper intendedh convinced Reagan to appoint Draper to had the (^)
to reorient the bank's functions toward emphasizing population control projects.
In 1987, again at Bush's behest, Draper was named by Reagan as administrator of the United
Nations Development Program, which functions as an adjunct of the World Bank, and hashistorically pushed population reduction among Third World nations. In late January of 1991, (^)
Draper gave a speech to a conference in Washington, in which he stated that the core of Bush's
``new world order'' should be population reduction.
Bush was not reluctant to feature anti-black backlash themes in other parts of his politicalrepertoire. In the wake of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King in April, 1968, large scale (^)
riots and looting broke out in Washington and other cities. Bush was quick to introduce a bill which
provided that any person convicted of breaking the law during civil disorders would be henceforth
prohibited from retaining or getting federal jobs. Bush claimed that during the Washington riot that
followed the murder of King, of the first 119 riot suspects broughtfor the federal government.[fn 15] to court, 10% said they worked
Bush's campaign autobiography and the authorized and adulatory campaign biography by Fitzhugh
Green make virtually no mention of these Congressional activities in the service of racism,
Malthusianism, and depopulation. Instead, Bush and his image-mongers prefer to focus on theCongressman's heroic fight against racism as expressed in an April, 1968 opposition in Bush's
district against the bill that was later to become the Fair Housing Act of 1968. This bill contained
"open housing" provisions prohibiting the discrimination in the sale, renting, or financing of
housing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Bush decided to vote for the
bill. "Letters from the district were overwhelmingly against the bill. After I voted for it, the mail gotheavier. And uglier," he wrote later. "Threats were directed not only against me but against
members of my staff."
As Bush tells it, he then decided to confront his critics at a rally scheduled to be held in the
Memorial-West section of his district. "The place was jammed. Judging from the boos and catcalls

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