George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

Opportunity. Janet J. Johnston of California became the RNC co- chair. Bush inaugurated his new
post with a pledge that the Republican Party, from President Nixon on dowwe possibly can" to make sure that the GOP was not involved in political dirty tricks in the future.n, would do "everything
"I don't think it is good for politics in this country and I am sure I am reflecting the President's
views on that as head of the party," intoned Bush in an appearance on "Issues and Answers." [fn 11]
Whether or not Bush lived up to that pledge during his months at the RNC, and indeed during his
later political career, will be sufficiently answered during the following pages. But now ChairmanGeorge, sitting in Nixon's cabinet with such men as John Mitchell, his eyes fixed on Henry
Kissinger as his lodestar, is about to set sail on the turbulent seas of the Watergate typhoon. Before
we accompany him, we must briefly review the complex of events lumped together under the
heading of "Watergate," so that we may then situate Bush's remarkable and bizarre behavior

between January 1973 aBush attempt to seize the vice presidency. By the beginning of the 1990's, it has become somethingnd August of 1974, when Nixon's fall became the occasion for yet another (^)
of a commonplace to refer to the complex of events surrounding the fall of Nixon as a coup d'etat.
[fn 12] It was to be sure a coup d'etat, but one whose organizers and beneficiaries most
commentators and historians are reluctant to name, much less to confront. Broadly speaking,
Watergate was a coup d'etat which was instrumental in laying the basis for the specific new type ofauthoritarian-totalitarian regime which now rules the United States. The purpose of the coup was to (^)
rearrange the dominant institutions of the US government so as to enhance their ability to carry out
policies agreeable to the increasingly urgent dictates of the British-dominated Morgan- Rockefeller-
Mellon-Harriman financier faction. The immediate beneficiaries of the coup have been that class of
bureaucratic, technocratic administrators who have held the highest public offices, exercising powerin many cases almost without interruption, since the days of the Watergate scandal. It is obvious
that George Bush himself is one of the most prominent of such beneficiaries. As the Roman
playwright Seneca warns us, "Cui prodest scelus, is fecit"-- the one who derives advantage from the
crime is the one most likely to have committed it. The policies of the Wall Street investment
banking interests named are those of usury and Malthusianism, stressing the decline of a productiveindustrial economy in favor of savage Third World looting and anti-population measures. The
changes subsumed by Watergate included the abolition of government's function as a means to
distribute the rewards and benefits of economic progress among the principal constituency groups
upon whose support the shifting political coalitions depended for their success. Henceforth,
government would appear as the means by which the sacrifices and penalties of austerity anddeclining standards of living would be imposed on a passive and stupefied population. The
constitutional office of the president was to be virtually destroyed, and the power of the usurious
banking elites above and behind the presidency was to be radically enhanced.
The reason why the Watergate scandal escalated into the overthrow of Nixon has to do with theinternational monetary crisis of those years, and with Nixon's inability to manage the collapse of the (^)
Bretton Woods system and the US dollar in a way satisfactory to the Anglo-American financial
elite. One real-time observer of the events of these years who emphasized the intimate relation
between the international monetary upheavals on the one hand and the peripetea of Nixon on the
other was Lyndon L1973 article on the conjuncture of a re-valuation of the Deutsche Mark with John Dean's testimonyaRouche. The following comments by LaRouche are excerpted from a July, (^)
before Senator Sam Ervin's Watergate investigating committee:
Last week's newest up-valuation of the West German D-Mark pushed the inflation-soaked Nixon
Administration one very large step closer toward "Water- gate" impeachment. Broad bi-partisan
support and press enthusiasm for the televised Senate Select Committee airing of wide-rangingrevelations coincides with surging contempt for the government's handling of international and
domestic financial problems over the past six months.
LaRouche went on to point out why the same financiers and news media who had encouraged a
coverup of the Watergate scandal during 1972 had decided during 1973 to use the break-in and

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