George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

teacher's pet," "a presidential favorite, described in the press as one of 'Nixon's men.'"
On the surface George was an ingratiating sycophant. But he dissembled. The Nixon White House
would seem to have included at least one highly placed official who betrayed his president to Bob
Woodward of the Washington Post, making it possible for that newspaper to repeatedly outflank
Nixon's attempts at stonewalling. This was the celebrated, and still anonymous source Woodward
called "Deep Throat."
Al Haig has often been accused of having been the figure of the Nixon White House who provided
Woodward and Bernstein with their leads. If there is any consensus about the true identity of Deep
Throat, it would appear to be that Al Haig is the prime suspect. However, there is no conclusive

evidence about the true identity of the person or pephenomenon ever existed. As soon as Haig is named, we must become suspicious: the propagandarsons called Deep Throat, assuming that such a (^)
of the Bush networks has never been kind to Haig. Haig and Bush, as leading clones of Henry
Kissinger, were locked on a number of occasions into a kind of sibling rivalry, a rivalry which
became especially acute during the first months of the Reagan Administration.
One of the major sub-plots of Watergate, and one that will eventually lead us back to the
documented public record of George Bush, is the relation of the various activities of the Plumbers
to the wiretapping of a group of prostitutes whio operated out of a brothel in the Columbia Plaza
Apartments, located in the immediate vicinity of the Watergate buildings. [fn 26] Among the
customers of the prostitutes there appear to have been a US Senator, an astronaut, A Saudi prince(the Embassy of Saudi Arabia is nearby), US and South Korean intelligence officials, and above all (^)
numerous Democratic Party leaders whose presence can be partially explained by the propinquity of
the Democratic National Committe offices in the Watergate. The Columbia Plaza Apartments
brothel was under intense CIA surveillance by the Office of Security/Security Research Staff
through oneby the name of Louis James Russell. Russell was, according to Hougan, especially interested in of their assets, an aging private detective out of the pages of Damon Runyon who went
bugging a hot line phone that linked the DNC with the nearby brothel. During the Watergate break-
ins, James McCord's recruit to the Plumbers, Alfred C. Baldwin, would appear to have been
bugging the telephones of the Columbia Plaza brothel.
Lou Russell, in the period between June 20 and July 2, 1973, was working for a detective agency
that was helping George Bush prepare for an upcoming press conference. In this sense, Russell was
working for Bush.
Russell is relevant because he seems (although hethe Watergate break-in, the burglar who got away. He may also have been the buglar who tipped off denied it) to have been the fabled sixth man of (^)
the police, if indeed anyone did. Russell was a harlequin who had been the servant of many masters.
Lou Russell had once been the chief investigator for the House Committee on Un-American
Activities. He had worked for the FBI. He had been a stringer for Jack Anderson, the columnist. In
December, 1971 hethe guards who protected the Watergate buildings. In March of 1972 Rus had been an employee of General Security Services, the company that providedsell had gone to work for
James McCord and McCord Associates, whose client was the CREEP. Later, after the scandal had
broken, Russell worked for McCord's new and more successful firm, Security Associates. Russell
had also worked directly for the CREEP as a night watchman. Russell had also worked for John
Leon of Allied Investigators, Inc., a company that later went to work for GRepublican National Committee. Still later, Russell found a job with the headquarters of theeorge Bush and the
McGovern for President campaign. Russell's lawyer was Bud Fensterwald, and sometimes Russell
performed investigative services for Fensterwald and for Fensterwald's Committee to Investigate
Assassinations. In September, 1972, well after the scandal had become notorious, Russell seems to
have joined with one Nick Beltrante in carrying out electronic countermeasures sweeps of the DNC

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