George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

NSSM 200
When Bush had been in Beijing for about a month, Henry Kissinger arrived for one of his periodic
visits to discuss current business with the Beijing leadership. Kissinger arrived with his usual army
of retainers and Secret Service guards. During this visit, Bush went with Kissinger to see Vice-Premier Deng Xiao-ping and Foreign Minister Qiao. This was one of four reported visits by
Kissinger that would punctuate Bush's stay.
Bush's tenure in Beijing must be understood in the context of the Malthusian and frankly genocidal

policies of the Kissinger White House. These are aptly summed up for redeclassified National Security Study Memorandum 200, "Implications of Worldwide Populationference in the recently (^)
Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests," dated December 10, 1974. [fn 6] NSSM 200, a
joint effort by Kissinger and his deputy General Brent Scowcroft, provided a hit list of 13
developing countries for which the NSC posited a "special US political and strategic interest" in
population reduction or limitation. The list included India, Bengladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico,Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, and Colombia. Demographic (^)
growth in these and other third world nations was to be halted and if possible reversed for the brutal
reason that population growth represented increased strategic, and military power for the countries
in question.
Population growth, argues NSSM 200, will also increase pressure for the economic and industrial
development of these countries, an eventuality which the study sees as a threat to the United States.
In addition, bigger populations in the third world are alleged to lead to higher prices and greater
scarcity of strategic raw materials. As Kissinger summed up: "Development of a worldwide
political and populstrategy....The US should encourage LDC leaders to take the lead in advancing family planning."ar committment to population stabilization is fundamental to any effective (^)
When NSSM 200 goes on to ask, "would food be considered an instrument of national power?" it is
clear to all that active measures of genocide are at the heart of the policy being propounded. A later
Kissinger report praises the Chinese communist leadership for their committment to population
control. During 1975, tup to create a demonstration model of the NSSM 200 polhese Chinese communists, Henry Kissinger and George Bush were to teamicy: the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.
During the time that Bush was in Beijing, the fighting in Vietnam came to an end as the South
Vietnamese army collapsed in the face of a large-scale invasion from the north. The insane
adventure of Vietnam had been organized by BusBones network. When John F. Kennedy had been elected president in 1960, heh's own Brown Brothers, Harriman/Skull and had turned to Brown (^)
Brothers, Harriman partner Robert Lovett to provide him a list of likely choices for his cabinet.
From this list were drawn Rusk and McNamara, the leadings hawks in the cabinet. McGeorge and
William Bundy, descendants of the Lowells of Boston, but closely related to the Stimson-Acheson
circles, were mainstays of the party of escalation. Henry Cabot Lodge was the US Ambassador inSaigon when the Harriman had insisted on assassinating President Diem, the leader of the country (^)
the US was supposedly defending. Harriman, starting as assistant secretary for Southeast Asian
affairs, had worked his way up through the Kennedy-Johnson State Department with the same
program of expanding the war. Now that Harriman-Lovett policy had led to the inevitable debacle.
But the post-war suffering of southeast Asia was only beginning.
Target Cambodia
One of the gambits used by Kissinger to demonstrate to the Beijing communist leaders the utility of
rapprochement with the US was the unhappy nation of Cambodia. The pro-US government of

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