George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

for an aircraft to fly him straight back to Phnomn Penh? The United States would guarantee to
remain there until he arrived. Dr. Kissinger wished to impose no conditions." "On April 12 at 5 AMPeking time Holdridge again met with Pung. He told him that the Phnom Penh perimeter was
degenerating so fast that the Americans were pulling out at once. Sihanouk had already issued a
statement rejecting and denouncing Kissinger's invitation." [fn 14]
Sihanouk haPhnom Penh in the midst of the debacle of the old Lon Nol forces would doubtless have beend a certain following among liberal members of the US Senate, and his presence in
reassuring for US public opinion. But Sihanouk at this time had no ability to act independently of
the Khmer Rouge leaders, who were hostile to him and who held the real power, including the
inside track to the Red Chinese. Prince Sihanouk did return to Phnom Penh later in 1975, and his

strained relations with Pol Pot and his colleagues soon became evident. Early in 1976, Swas placed under house arrest by the Khmer Rouge, who appear to have intended to execute him.ihanouk (^)
Sihanouk remained under detention until the North Vietnamese drove Pol Pot and his forces out of
Phnom Penh in 1978 and set up their own government there.
In following the Kissinger-Bush machinations to bring Prince Sihanouk baApril, 1975, one is also suspicious that an included option was to increase the likelihood thatck to Cambodia in mid-
Sihanouk might be liquidated by the Khmer Rouge. When the Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh,
they immediately carried out a massacre on a grand scale, slaying any members of the Lon Nol and
Long Boret cabinets they could get their hands on. There were mass executions of teachers and
government officials, and all of the 2.5 million residents of Phnom Penh were driven into thecountryside, including seriously ill hospital patients. Under these circumstances, it would have been (^)
relatively easy to assassinate Sihanouk amidst the general orgy of slaughter. Such an eventuality
was explicitly referred to in a Kissinger NSC briefing paper circulated in March 1975, in which
Sihanouk was quoted as follows in remarks made December 10, 1971: "If I go on as chief of state
after victory, I run tthat I might be imprisoned for revisionism or deviationism." he risk of being pushed out the window by the Communists, like Masaryk, or
More than 2 million Cambodians out of an estimated total population of slightly more than 7
million perished under the Khmer Rouge; according to some estimates, the genocide killed 32% of
the total population. [fn 15] T"China card" policy, had liquidated one Cambodian government, destroyed the fabric of civilhe United States and Red China, acting together under the Kissinger
society in the country, ousted a pro-US government, and installed a new regime they knew to be
genocidal in its intentions. For Kissinger, it was the exemplification of the new US strategic
doctrine contaied in NSSM 200. For George Bush, it was the fulfillment of his family's fanatically
held belief in the need for gethis case those with yellow skins, from "out-breeding" the imperial Anglo-Saxon racial stock. Innocide to prevent the more prolific, but inferior races of the earth, in
addition to opportunities to promote genocide, Bush's tenure in Beijing presented him with
numerous occasions to exploit public office for the private gain of financiers and businessmen who
were a part of his network.
Meeting of the Monsters
In September, 1975, as Ford was preparing for a year-end visit to China, Kissinger organized a
Presidential reception at the White House for a delegation from the Beijing China Council for the
Promotion of IntUnited States from China. The meeting was carefully choreographed by Kissinger and Scowcroft.ernational Trade. This was the first high-level trade delegation to come to the (^)
The Ford Library has preserved a supplementary memo to Scowcroft, at that time the NSC chief,
from Richard H. Solomon of the NSC staff, which reads as follows: "Regarding the President's
meeting with the Chinese trade group, State has called me requesting that Ambassador Bush and
[Kissinger henchman] Phil Habib attend the meeting. You will recall having approved Bush's sitting

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