George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

supposed to give to pro-western guerilla factions; Mobutu simply kept the money, and the CIA's
guerillas "were left starving," said Stockwell. The Congreand subjected him to a series of hostile committe hearings in which full disclosure was found out about Bush's illegal largesse,
The House Appropriations Committee placed a team of auditors in CIA headquarters to review
accounting on the Angola program, which was code named IAFEATURE. On March 12 Bush sent
a cable to all CIA stations ordering that no funds be spent on IAFEATURE. One day later, an

uninsured cargo plane was shot down inside Angola. Despite this ignominious conclusion, Bushordered awards and commendations for the 100 CIA personnel who had worked on the program. (^)
[ fn 40]
During Bush's first months in Langley, the CIA under orders from Henry Kissinger launched a
campaign of deMinister Michael Manley. This included a large-scale campaign to foment violence during thestabilization of Jamaica for the purpose of preventing the re-election of Prime (^)
election, and large amounts of illegal arms were shipped into the island. $10 million was spent on
the attempt to overthrow Manley, and at least three assassination attempts took place with the
connivance of the CIA. [fn 41]
The Bush CIA also continued a program in Iran which went under the name of IBEX. This aimed at
building and operating a $500 miilion electronic and photographic capability to cover the entire
region, including parts of the USSR. On August 28, 1976, three Americans working on the project
were assassinated in Teheran. According to a Washington Post account by Bob Woodward, a month
before these killings the former CIA Director and then current US Ambassador to Iran, RichardHelms, sent Bush a note complaining about abuses connected with the project, and in particular (^)
demanding that Bush investigation corrupt practices which Helms suspected were involved with the
project. Helms apparently wanted to be spared more embarrassment in case IBEX were to become
the object of a new scandal. [fn 42]
During Bush's CIA tenure, the CIA was found to have conducted electronic suveillance against the
representatives of Micronesia, a UN Trusteeship territory in the Pacific that had been administered
by the United States, and which was then about to become independent. In a story by Bob
Woodward, the Washington Post alleged that the CIA had been bugging the Micronesian
government over a four yetalks with the State Department concerning relations with the United States after independence. Thear period with a view to acquiring details of their negotiating strategy in (^)
CIA's rebuttal seems to have been that while it would indeed have been illegal to bug the
Micronesians if they were US citizens, they were now foreigners, and such bugging had never been
During Bush's time at the CIA, a series of governments around the world were destabilized by the
Lockheed bribery scandal, the greatest multinational scandal of the 1970's. This scandal grew out of
hearings before a Senate subcommittee chaired by Frank Church, although separate from the
Intelligence Committee mentioned above. A number of Lockheed executives testified that they had
systematically bribed officials of allied governments to secure contracts the sale of their militaryaircraft. This system of unreported payments eventually implicated such figures as former Japanese (^)
Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, the leader of the most important faction in the Liberal Democratric
Party, and Franz Josef Strauss, a former Federal German Defense Minister, Prime Minister of
Bavaria, and the leader of the Christian Social Union, then a part of the opposition in the Bundestag
in Bonn. Apolitical leaders, including the then Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, the President of the Italianlso implicated were a series of Italian Christian Democratic and Social Democratic (^)
Republic Giovanni Leone, and former Defense Ministers Mario Tanassi of the PSDI and Luigi Gui
of the DC. In the Netherlands, Prince Bernhard, the consort of Queen Juliana, was implicated, and
virtually no NATO country was spared. The Lockheed scandal, coming as it did out of a mileu full
of military intelligence connections, was coherent with a long-term Anglo-American design of

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