George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

been stonewalled by the administration. The National Security Agency has rejected our legitimate
enquiries out of hand. The Central Intelligence Agency provided a response with access restrictionsso severe ... as to be laughable. The Department of Defense has given an unsatisfactory response
two days late. The State Department's response was utterly unresponsive. They answered our letter
after their self-imposed deadline and failed to produce specific documents we requested and which
we know exist. This Committee has been stonewalled by Oliver North, too. He has not complied
with the Committee subpoena for his unredacted notebooks. The redacted notebooks containrepeated January 1985 references to Felix Rodriguez which suggests North's involvement in
Rodriguez' briefings of the Vice President. No member of the Senate can escape the conclusion that
these administration actions are contemptuous of this Committee. I find this highly regrettable, with
potential long-term ramifications, but I recognize the will of the majority to come to a committee
vote soon, up or down, and to move on to other pressing business [emphasis added]....
Sen. McConnell: ... During the period of the Boland Amendment, were you ever asked to inform
the Vice President's office or lend his name to private, nonprofit efforts to support the Contras?
Gregg: Yes. I recall one instance, in particular, where there was a request--I guess it was probablyfrom one aspect of the Spitz Channell organization, which had a variety of things going on in and
around Nicaragua. We got, on December 2nd, 1985, a letter to the Vice President, asking him to get
involved in something called the Friends of the Americas, which was aid to the Meskito Indians ...
in Nicaragua that had been badly mistreated by the Sandinistas.... And so I have a document here

which shows how we dealt with it. I sent it to Boydesaid, Boyden, this looks okay as a charity issue, but there is the question of pren Gray, the counsel of the Vice President andcedent. Please give (^) me a legal opinion. Thanks. '' ... Boyden Gray wrote back to me and said, No, should not do.
Raises questions about indirect circumvention of congressional funding limits or restriction, vis-a-
vis Nicaragua. '' That is the only time I recall that we had a specific request like that, and this is how
we dealt with it. [In fact, George Bush had a much more interesting relationship to the affairs ofCarl R. Spitz '' Channell than Mr. Gregg discusses here. Channell worked with Bush's covert action apparatus, moving his wealthy contacts toward what he termed the total embrace of the
Vice President. '']
Sen. Pell [Chairman of the Committee]: ... First, you say that you offeKnowing that you are a very loyal servant of what you view as the national interest, and knowred to resign twice, I (^)
the embarrassment that this nomination has caused the administration, I was wondering why you
did not ask your name to be withdrawn ... to pull your name back.... [w]hich has been recommended
by many of us as being a way to resolve this problem.
Gregg: Well, I haven't because I think I'm fully qualified to be Ambassador to South Korea. And so
does the Vice President [sic]. So I am here because he has asked me to serve....
Sen. Cranston: ... Senators will recall that on Oct. 5th of '86 a plane bearing military supplies to the
Contras was shot down over Nicaragua. The sole survivor, Eugene Hasenfus, spoke publicly of therole of Felix Rodriguez, alias Max Gomez, in aiding military resupply and noted Gomez's ties to the (^)
Vice President's office. Could you please describe your understanding of why it was that the first
call to official Washington regarding the shootdown was from Felix Rodriguez to your aid[e] in
Gregg: ... [It] was because on the 25th of June of that year he had come to Washington to confront
North about what he regarded as corruption in the supply process of the Contras.... [H]e broke with
North on the 25th of June and has not been on speaking terms with the man since then.... [H]e tried
to get me--he could not--he reached Colonel Watson....

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