George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

As for Endara's first vice president, Ricardo Arias Calderon, his brother, Jaime Arias Calderon, was

president of the First Interamericas bank when that bank was controlled by the Cali cartel. JaimeArias Calderon was also the co-owner of the Banco Continental, which laundered $40 million in (^)
drug money, part of which was used to finance the activities of the anti-Noriega opposition. Thus,
all of Bush's most important newly-installed puppets were implicated in drug dealing.
The invasion presented some very difficult moments for Buslate on December 20, until Christmas eve, the imposing US martial apparatus had proven incapableh. From the beginning of the operation (^)
of locating and capturing Noriega. The US Southern Command was terrorized when a few Noriega
loyalists launched a surprise attack on US headquarters with mortars, scattering the media personnel
who had been grinding out their propaganda.
There was great fear through the US command that Noriega had successfully implemented a plan
for the PDF to melt away to arms cashes and secret bases in the Panamanian jungle for a prolonged
guerilla warfare effort. As it turned out, Noriega had failed to give the order to disperse. The reason
for this is most instructive: Noriega had expected a US move, but refused to credit the
overwhelming evidence that the US was launching a full-scale invasion for the purpose ofcompletely dismantling the PDF and occupying the totality of Panamanian territory. Noriega (^)
remained convinced until very late in the day that US aggression would be limited to a commando
raid devoted primarily to the kidnapping or assassination of Noriega and a few top lieutenants. In
this, Noriega joins the company of the Shah of Iran, President Marcos of the Philippines, and
Saddam Hussein of Iraq, all of whom were unable to fathom the true extent of the US committmentto topple their regimes (or, in the case of Iraq, lay waste to much of the country). This is the
principal reason why the PDF failed to execute its plan to disperse and regroup in the jungle.
As Christmas eve approached, and Noriega still had not been eliminated, a whining hysteria
increasingly colored Bush's public pronouncwas tremendously agitated, and opened the proceedings by complaining: "I have a brief pressements. In his press conference of December 22, Bus h
statement, to be followed by a brief press conference because I have a pain in the neck. Seriously."
Bush refused to discuss the details of this pain. Was it a symptom of the thryoid condition that was
diagnosed in early May of 1991? That is difficult to determine, but there was no mistaking Bush's
hyperthyroid mood. His response to the inevitable first question about tracking down the demonizedNoriega:
I've been frustrated that he's been in power this long-- extraordinarily frustrated. The good news:
he's out of power. The bad news: he has not yet been brought to justice. So I'd have to say, there is a
certain level of frustration on this account. The good news, though. is that the government's
beginning to function, and the man controls no forcuntil we see him come to justice. es, and he's out. But, yes, I won't be satisfied
Noriega was irrelevant, Bush tried to suggest, since his government and army had both ceased to
exist, but Bush lacked conviction. He feared a long Christmas day spent by at home by 80 million
families, with no news except the football scores and the mortified consternation of the US regimeNoriega had managed to elude. Then, on the evening of December 24, it was reported that Noriega, (^)
armed with an Uzi machine gun, had made his way unchallenged and undetected to the Papal
Nunciatura in Panama City where he had asked for and obtained political asylum. There are no
reports of how far George Bush gnawed into the White House Bigelows upon hearing that news,
but it is clear that there was important damage to the deep pile in the Oval Office.
The standoff that then developed encapsulated the hereditary war of the Bush family with the Holy
See and the Roman Catholic Church. For eight days, US troops surrounded the Nunciatura, which
they proceeded to bombard with deafening decibels of explicitly satanic heavy metal and other hard
rock music, which according to some reports had been personally chosen by mad Max Thurman in

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