George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

  1. "Bush: The Secret Presidency," Newsweek, January 1, 1990.

  2. "Transcript of President Bush's Press Conference," Washington Post, June 9, 1989.

  3. Bush press conference, Washington Post, December 22, 1989.

  4. "Manuevering Marks Eve of 'Education Summit'", Washington Post, September 27, 1989.

  5. Kevin Phillips, "George Bush and Congress-- Brain-Dead Politics of '89," Washington Post,
    October 1, 1989.

  6. Time, October 23, 1989.

  7. "Bush Attacks Critics of Response to Coup," Washington Post, October 14, 1989.

  8. Congressional Record, 58th Congress, 3d session, p. 19.

  9. See "Police State and Global Gendarme: The United States under the Thornburgh Doctrine,"
    American Leviathan, pp. 61-102.

  10. Kenneth J. Jones, The Enemy Within, (Cali, Colombia: Carvajal, 1990), p. 22.

  11. Frederick Kempe, "The Noriega Files," Newsweek, January 15, 1990.

  12. Kempe, "The Noriega Files," p. 19.

  13. Frank A. Rubino Esq. and Jon A. May, Esq., Classified Information Procedures Act Submission
    in United States of America vs. General manuel A. Noriega, United States District Court, Southern
    District of Florida, Case No. 89-79-CR-HOEVELER, March 18, 1991, hereafter cited as Noriega
    CIPA proffer.

  14. "Bush Returned Noriega to Payroll, Turner Says," Washington Post, October 1, 1988.

  15. Mike Blair, "Mossad Silent Partner," The Spotlight, May 13, 1991.

  16. Noriega CIPA proffer, p. 82.

  17. Kempe, "The Noriega Files," p. 23.

  18. Noriega CIPA proffer, p. 52.

  19. Noriega CIPA proffer, p. 54-55.

  20. "The Bush-Noriega Relationship," Newsweek, January 15, 1990, pp. 16-17, including the photo
    of the Bush-Noriega meeting.

  21. "Panama: Atrocities of the 'Big Stick,'" in American Leviathan: Administrative Fascism under
    the Bush Regime, (Wiesbaden: EIR News Service, 1990), pp. 39-40.

  22. For Gregg's testimony on Bush-Noriega relations, see "Testimony on Bush Meeting With
    Panama Ambassador," New York Times, May 21, 1988.

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