George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

security measures...taken in accord with the American security services." He denied that any
submachine gun was ever pointed at Reed. [fn 68] Mapologize, and later it was indeed the US which backed down. agnin said the Geneva police would not

It was during this period that Lyndon LaRouche, from his jail cell in Minnesota, called attention to
Bush's increasingly psychotic behavior. On November 24, LaRouche commented:
I have been obliged today to use nothing other than the term "psycho-sexual impotence" to describe
the characteristic features exhibited by a visibly paranoid President George Herbert "Hoover"
Walker Bush in the context of his reactions simultaneously to knowledge of the certainty of the
ongoing economic depression, and the mess in the Persian Gulf, in which he, guided largely by
certain Israeli influences and Margaret Thatcher, has enmired himself, the nation, and a good deof the world. al

There is no question that President George Bush is suffering a more acute form of implicitly
schizophrenic paranoia than he showed during the height of the moments of uncertainty during the
Panama atrocity by forces under his direction.
The President, in short, is CRACKING: HE IS GOING NUTS.
The proper term to be used, to understand this particular problem of the President as President, is
"psycho-sexual impotence" as I have used the term, in connection with, for example, the "BeyondPsychoanalysis" series...

Bush a killer; he is a heartless, amoral, immoral bureaucrat, who's capable of any dirty thing in
the book, for the sake of expediency; he probably has a sense of ethics, which means ethics in the
sense of Nichomachean Ethics, which means a complete lack of morality.....
...And George simply reacts like a Nietzschean fascist, to say that he will impose by brute force and
by exercise of the will, his arbitrary values, his belief structure, upon an uncooperative Creator and
That is the case in which the psycho-sexual impotent goes over to the practice of RAPE- because
the woman, or women, refuse to be responsive to his advances, and therefore he says, "I'll make you
responsive; I'll rape you." That's George Bush. Therefore, one must use the concept of psycho-
sexual impotence in the case of Bush in order to understand him, and to understand the crisis which

besets the presidency at this time. You have a man who is intellectually distinguished by thebanality of his mediocrity, who is faced with a situation in which there is no room for mediocrity, in (^)
any part of the world, with respect to any important domestic or international policy matter. But,
you have a mediocrity who, at the same time, is a megalomaniac mediocrity who refuses to accept
anything which might suggest the slightest tinge of mediocrity in his mediocrity. And he's gone
over to a Nietzschean kind of triumph of the arbitrary will, which he conceives of, as did Hitler, as anew world order, at the behest of the impulse of this poor mediocrity himself. [fn 69]
On November 30, UN Security Council, now reduced to a discredited tool of the Anglo-Americans,
voted for a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq. This piece of infamy was labelled
resolution 648 awith the People's Republic of China abstaining. (International jurists later pointed out that accordingnd passed with twelve assenting votes against the no votes of Cuba and Yemen, (^)
to the text of the UN Charter, which requires the positive votes of all five permanent members to
approve substantive resolutions, the resolution had not passed, and that in acting on it the UN had
entered a phase of anarchy and lawlessness.) Iraq was given 47 days to leave Kuwait, and this
ultimatum was to expire on January 15. Bush clearly hoped that this resolution could be used to

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