George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

hold in late October.
Bush's peroration reverted to the theme of the Single Empire, the Anglo-Saxon New World Order:
Finally, you may wonder about America's role in the new world that I have described. Let me
assure you, the United States has no intention of striving for a Pax Americana. However, we will
remain engaged. We will not retreat and pull back into isolationism. We will offer friendship andleadership. And in short, we seek a Pax Universalis built upon shared responsibilities and
aspirations." [fn 97]
The emperor of the new world order had spoken; now, woe to the vanquished!
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  1. Suetonius, The Lives of the Twelve Casears (New York: Modern Library, 1931), p. 258.

  2. Suetonius, p. 172.

  3. "Bush is Optimistic After Talks with Gorbachov," Washington Post,> March 14, 1985.

  4. Bob Woodward, The Commanders, p. 54-55.

  5. "Bush Dismisses Gorbachov Complaint," Washington Post, April 8, 1989.

  6. "Reagan Is Concerned About Bush's Indecision," Washington Post, May 6, 1989.

  7. "Bush Rebukes Critics of Arms Policy," Washington Post, September 19, 1989.

  8. "Bush Hails 'Dramatic' Decision," Washington Post, November 10, 1989.

  9. "Bush: The Secret Presidency," Newsweek, January 1, 1990.

  10. "Berlin and Bush's Emotional Wall," Washington Post, November 14, 1989.

  11. "Text of President Bush's Address," Washington Post, November 23, 1989.

  12. People, April 9, 1990.

  13. See "Tracking Thyroid Problems," Washington Times, May 29, 1991. This article, anxious to
    prevent the reader from associating the broccoli outburst with the mental and thryoid problems of

the spring of 1990, hadisease." Graves disease was the official White House lable for Busstens to add: "There is no evidence that lack of broch's thyroid malady, whichcoli causes Graves (^)
medical professionals without political axes to grind have tended to classify as Basedow's disease.

  1. "Transcript of Bush-Gorbachov News Conference," Washington Post,> June 4, 1990.

  2. Jim Hoagland, "The Deal Behind the Summit," Washington Post, June 5, 1990.

  3. See "Marshall Says He Never Heard of Bush's Nominee," New York Times, July 27, 1990;
    "Marshall Slams Gavel on Souter," Washington Times, July 27, 1990. At about the same time that
    Marshall quit, Rep. William Gray of Philadelphia, the Democratic Majority Whip, announced his

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