George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography

(Frankie) #1

announced "a whole new relationship" with reporters. "From now on it's gonna be a little different. I
think we have too many press conferences," ranted Bush. "It's not good. Itthing." Had he not slept well?, asked one reporter. Bush replied, 's overexposure to the

I can't go into the details of that. Because someone will think it's too much sleep, someone will
think it's too little. I'll give you a little insight into that. I had a very good night's sleep. And I've
never-- if I felt better it'd be a frame-up. There's something you can use.
Bush was incensed because he had denied that there was about to be a four-power conference on the
future of Germany, and such a conference was announced the next day. Bush had been misleading
about his plans for the Malta summit with Gorbachov, and he had kept secret the mission of

Scowcroft and Eagleburger to Beijing on July 4, 1989. Vdiscrepancies, and Bush was now having a fit. Would he be signing a joint communique at the drugarious press accounts had noted these (^)
summit with Colombia, Peru and Bolivia?
I hate to be secretive, say nothing of deceptive. But I'm not going to tell you that.
Would he discuss possible US military interdiction of drug trafficking?
I'm not going to discuss what I'm gonna bring up.
Would the drug summit bring any surprise proposals?
I'm not gonna discuss whether there are any surprises or not. This is a new thing. A new approach.
Even if I don't discuss it. I'm not going to discuss it.
Would the Colombian government now abandon its policy of extraditing drug traffickers?
Bush: I have no comment whatsoever on that.
Q: Did you know about it?
Bush: I have no comments on whether I knew about it.
Q: Is it true?
Bush: I can't comment on whether it's true or not.
Q: Did we turn you into this?
Bush: Yes. When I told you...that I didn't think there would be a deal [on the four-power conference
on Germany], and then they shortly made a deal, and I'm hit for decieving you. Sgoing to be a little different. o from now on it's
Would he schedule a summit with Gorbachov for June, 1990? Bush again refused to answer,
"Because I'm not gonna be burned for holding out or doing something deceptive." Later the same
afternoon, Man infantile fit of rage by assuring the reporters: "He was just kidding. He was having fun." [fn 20]arlin Fitzwater, the top White House spin doctor, attempted to interpret what had been
In retrospect, it is also clear that Bush's thyroid was also on the warpath.
Later the same spring, Bush went semi-ballistic when reporters declined to join him for jogging at
7:15 AM in Columbia, South Carolina. The White House reporters all got a wake-up call at 7 AM

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