The Nature of Political Theory
30 The Nature of Political Theory in academic terms during the early nineteenth century and it was to these traditions, particul ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 31 the manner in which subordinate agencies were subject to parliamentary scrutiny, the long-standing ...
32 The Nature of Political Theory ‘every regime tends to produce a political science consonant with itself’. Consequently, there ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 33 However, there were also a number of internal reasons for this ‘state focus’, which relate closely ...
34 The Nature of Political Theory was synonymous with ‘systematic knowledge’. The science of the state could therefore be summed ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 35 normative theory reading, the ‘is’ of the state could not be separated from the ‘ought’. The normat ...
36 The Nature of Political Theory The continuing cognitive shift of many political scientists away from institutions towards beh ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 37 been partly reclaimed, during the 1990s, within some recent normative political theory, in the cont ...
38 The Nature of Political Theory revealing ‘great universal normative themes’ about human conduct. Alternatively, some historic ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 39 the accepted currency. Thus, the fundamental point is that the distinction between political theory ...
40 The Nature of Political Theory was made by national historians for national ends.^23 History was neither focused on modern de ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 41 In the early twentieth century, the most famous of these early texts was G. H. Sabine’sHistory of P ...
42 The Nature of Political Theory the moderns) and a fear of the effects of modern political philosophy, political science, and ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 43 we must presume that their doctrines may be true and that there is a tradition of such writers with ...
44 The Nature of Political Theory linguistic conventions, traditions, and paradigms are fundamentally constitutive of a reality. ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 45 ideological context. Tully defines Skinners’ use of ideology as a ‘language of politics defined by ...
46 The Nature of Political Theory beyond the context, whereas, for Strauss, the context and intentions are themselves thesourceo ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 47 is ‘sharing’ something common. We do notbecomethe past or talk to the dead in the language of the d ...
48 The Nature of Political Theory becomes historian’s fodder once spoken or written. In one sense, in judging the past and what ...
We Have a Firm Foundation 49 be a new method is really just another contestable ‘philosophical argument about interpretation’ (G ...
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