The Nature of Political Theory

(vip2019) #1
352 Index

O’Neill, O. 213
Oakeshott, Michael 13, 24, 37, 41, 70, 94, 98,
145–54, 159, 160, 169, 201, 292
civil association 151–2
conservatism 152–3
contemporary political theory and 154
enterprise association 150–1
ideal characters 148, 150, 152, 153
ideology and 70
idioms 147, 148, 150
modes of experience 146–8
practical knowledge 150
rationalism 151–2
republicanism 151
rule of law and 151
tradition and 149–50, 152–3
universitas 151
Okin, S. M. 127–39, 225
Oldfield, A. 189
Olsen, M. 61
Oppenheim, F. 61
ordinary language philosophy 70, 88–91, 97
Austin 89, 90, 96, 97, 106
conceptual inflation 107
conservativism and 106
facts and values 91
logical positivism and 88–9
metaphysics 89–90
normative political theory 90–1
speech act theory 89
Weldon and 88, 90
word essences 90

paradigms 25
Parekh, B. 228
partiarchy 128, 224
Pateman, Carole 128
Peirce, C. S. 6, 14, 210, 325
Perelman, C. 110
Peters, R. 104–5
Pettit, P. 25, 93, 94, 189, 190–1, 192–3, 198,
200, 290
Plamenatz, J. 24, 43, 77, 202
Plato 4, 8, 9, 22, 111, 165, 234, 240
pluralism 207–31
anthropology 220–1
Asian values 222
communitarian 217–19
concept of 209–11
conventionalism and 207ff

difference and 210, 219–26
ethical 210–11
feminism and 223–6
forms of 211
illiberalism and 219
liberal 210, 211–15, 215–19, 229
multiculturalism and 215–19
nation state and 209
neutral universalist 212–13
particularist neutrality 215
postcolonial theory and 221–2
postmodern 225–6
relativism and 211
subaltern theory 222
universal perfectionism 214
Pocock, J. G. A. 43, 188–9
Poincaré, H. 169
Polanyi, M. 60
policy communities 36
Polis 20
political economy 52–3, 78
political liberalism 162–8
political science 33–4, 50, 52–4
political theory
and its object 9–10
and its past 12, 19–20, 25–7
canon of 26
classical normative 19–28
communitarianism 154–62
concept of 8–9
conventionlist 13–14, 44, 143–5, 207–8, 227–8,
232, 320
dialogue and 321–4
difference theory 219–26
eclectic subject 1–3
ecumenical 74
empirical 12, 19, 25, 51–74
foundations 3–7, 11–12, 319–21, 324–6
Gadamer and 294–316
Habermas and 271–92
hermeneutic circle 14, 307–8, 321–4
historical 37–51
human nature and 20–1
ideological 65–72
institutional 28–37
issue orthodoxy and 1, 85, 104–5, 133
linguistic phenomenology 108, 319
multiculturalism 215–19
nationalism and 13, 94, 171–7
neo-Aristotelian 177–87
Oakeshott and 45–54
perennial concerns of 20
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