I 11
range, 254
Rouch, William White, 1214
Sanderson, Frederick H., 1242
snapshot photography, 1277
specialist cameras, 252–253
square-section concertina bellows, 685
stereo cameras, 256–257
double-lensed, 256–257
lens distance, 256
single-lensed, 256
studio cameras, 248–249
accessories, 249
characterized, 248
lens and plate holding parts, 248
multiple lens studio cameras, 249
reducing back, 249
tourist photography, 1398–1399
Victorian period
folding stand cameras, 254
Kinnear’s design, 254
waxed paper process, 685
Camera fi end, 1277
Camera lucida
linear perspective, 1063
photogrammetry, 1081
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 324–325, 669
Wollaston, William Hyde, designed and
patented, 1503
Camera manufacturing
Davidson, Thomas, 387
Goerz, Carl Paul, 596–598
mechanization, 634
Camera Notes, 185, 1430
Hartmann, Sadakichi, 638, 639
Camera obscura, 193–194, 244, 324, 672, 876,
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 368, 674
discovery, 253
focusing, 538
lenses, 253
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore, 1004
portable, 253–254
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 669, 1376–
Wollaston, William Hyde, 1503
La Camera Oscura, 754
Cameras, see also Specifi c type
cost, 468
fi rst patent, 245
technical components, 669
Camera supports, 242
Camera Work, 76, 391
Eugene, Frank, 503
Hartmann, Sadakichi, 638, 639
Käsebier, Gertrude, 790
photogravures, 1112
Stieglitz, Alfred, 1342, 1343
Cameron, Henry Herschel Hay, 257–258
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring, 258
portraits, 257–258
Cameron, Julia Margaret, 33, 258–260, 259,
347, 689, 694, 1313, 1375
allegorical photography, 28
artists’ studies, 85
art photography, 75
biography, 260
celebrities, 258–260
focusing, 539–540
genre scenes, 259–260
lighting, 259
portraits, 258–260, 259
fi rst close-up photographs, 259
subjects, 259–260
woman photographer, 1505
Cammas, Henri, 261
Egypt, 261
Campa, Luis G., 352
Mexico City, 352
Campbell, W., 1332
Canada, 261–265
aerial photography, 15
Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring
Expedition, 262
British Columbia Archives, 1292
Canadian Archival Information Network,
Canadian Pacifi c Railway, 264–265
Canadian Rocky Mountains, 948–949
carte-de-visite, 262
Deville, Édouard, French survey
photographer, 415
to encourage immigration, 261, 264–265
exhibitions, 1292–1293
fi rst known permanent daguerreotypist, 262
fi rst recorded commercial daguerreotypists,
Henderson, Alexander, 648
Hime, Humphrey Lloyd, 664
Horetzky, Charles George, 714
indigenous peoples, 261, 264
itinerant photographers, 261–262
Livernois, Elise L’Heureux, 866
Livernois, Jules-Ernest, 865–866
Livernois, Jules-Isaïe, 865–866
Maynard, Richard, 910–911
McLaughlin, Samuel, 913
Canada’s fi rst photographically
illustrated serial publication, 913
Miot, Paul-Emile, early photographs,
Moodie, Geraldine, 937
mountain photography, 948–949
National Archives of Canada, 1292
nation building, 261
Notman, William & Sons, most successful
19th century photography enterprise in
North America, 1011
photographic societies
amateur associations, 1291–1293
professional organizations, 1290–1291
portraits, 261–262
Royal Engineers, 264
stereoscopic views, 262, 263
surveyors and explorers hired by both
British and Canadian Governments,
technological developments, 265
Topley, William James, 1395
wet collodion method, 262
Canadian Archival Information Network, 1292
Caneva, Giacomo, 267–269, 268, 754
art reproductions, 268
biography, 269
calotypes, 267
daguerreotypes, 267
historic monuments, 267–268
knowledge of techniques, 267
nature studies, 268
painter, 267
Rome, 267–268
Capel-Cure, Alfred, 269
Carabin, François-Rupert, 270
nude studies, 270
sculptures, 270
Carbon paper Artigue Charbon-Velor, 556, 557
Carbon paper Charbon-Satin, 556
Carbon prints, 190, 270–271, 626
advantages, 271
art reproductions, 204, 270
Autotype Fine Art Company, 103
Braun, Adolphe, 204
fi nish, 271
Liébert, Alphonse Justin, 857
manuals, 1466
patents, 905
Poitevin, Alphonse Louis, 1140
portraits, 270
selective development, 271
Swan, Joseph Wilson, 905, 1367
tonal gradations, 271
Carbon process
Hughes, Cornelius Jabez, 719
patents, 1168
Pouncy, John, 1168–1169
Swan, Joseph Wilson, 103
Carbon transfer process, 191
Carbro process, 103
Carbutt, John, 271–272
fi rst commercially successful dry plates in
America, 272
fi rst orthochromatic dry plates, 272
inventor, 271–272
pioneer photographer of American West,
in professional photographic organizations,
x-ray plates, 272
Card photographs
albumen prints, 272
formats, 272
gelatin silver prints, 272
Carey, Evelyn, 744
Forth Bridge Project in Scotland, 744
Caribbean, 283–286
railroad photography, 283
Carjat, Etienne, 272–274
Ghémar, Louis, 588–589
Nadar, 589
Carjat, Etienne, 272–274, 694
biography, 273–274
Le Boulevard, 273
caricatures, 272–274
collodion, 273, 274
Paris Commune, 273, 274
portraits, 273, 274
subjects, 273, 274
Carl Hentschel Colortype Company, 651–652
Carpathian Society of Hungary, 421
Carpenter, James Hill, 976, 977
Carrick, William, 274–275, 979
artistic education, 274
art reproductions, 274–275
ethnographic photography, 274–275
portraits, peasants in St. Petersburg,
Russia, 274–275
Carrier pigeon cameras, 14
Carroll, Lewis, see Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge
Carte-de-visite, 8–9, 276, 276–277, 693–694
Albert, Prince Consort, 1448
Argentina, 72
Australia, 99, 100
Bayard, Hippolyte, 124
Bedford, Francis, 135
Belgium, 139–140
Brady, Mathew B., 198, 199
British Royal family, 432
camera design, 248–249
Canada, 262
celebrity photography, 280, 281, 419
collecting, 280